Chapter 1

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When you move around as much as I do, you learn a few things to make your life a heck of a lot easier.

1. NEVER unpack the whole way. You will just have to pack it all back up again soon anyways.

2. Do not make real friends. Be as fake as you like.. it will hurt less to leave.

3. Take pictures of every place you have been.  You will want to remember it someday.

Most kids think of home as a place you grow up... I think of home as my parents. But when moms at work and I am lonely missing dad, I look at the pictures of my childhood from every single house I have ever lived in.

This house though, it already feels different. I have never lived on the beach before and never in a town as small as this. When I was told we were moving here for good, I didn't believe my parents. I mean I still don't, but they claim this is the final stop. So with that being said.. I turn to the pinkish colored beach house my parents picked out. I have to admit, it looks really nice. Nothing like what I have lived in before.
"Mackenzie, can you bring the kitchen boxes to the kitchen and unload them? You have always been good at organizing the kitchen." Unlike me, mom loves settling in. And now that she thinks we are staying here for good, that's how I spend my first 3 hours of the day. I organized all the silverware and put our cups, bowls, and plates into the cupboards. I put our pictures up by the staircase, and toiletries in the bathrooms. And since mom is clearly on some type of happiness high, I didn't ruin it and even decorated my room a little. The bed in the middle has white sheets and a tan throw blanket. Theres a beautiful view of the ocean in the distance and I stare out of it for a while, observing this new town.

After a while I get hungry and realise there is no food in our house. So after telling my parents where I am going, I head out to find some kind of grocery store. If this town even has one.


River's POV

Every day the boys and I go out to the beach to surf. Today the waves were in perfect condition. Zayne and I have always come to this spot because of the little cave that is nearby and not a lot of people know about it. After about an hour of hanging around, I decided I needed a break.

"River,man, you need to come to my party tomorrow night. Its going be epic. I heard Paige Wilson will be there..." Zayne trails off, and without even looking at him I know he is wiggling his eyebrows in that weird way he always does when he is mocking someone.

"You know I don't like her Zayne. You of all people would know that." I reply, rolling my eyes.

"I know but she is so hot! I would kill to have her hung up on me.. but of course she likes you... someone she can't have cause you have that whole "serious relationship" idea in your head."

"Sorry, just the way I was raised Zayne." I looked at the time and suddenly realised I was VERY late for a family dinner I was warned I better be at.

"Shit.. I gotta go man. See you later!"

I took off sprinting down the beach with my board and just as I turned onto the sidewalk did I hear Zayne calling my name. So I spun around to see what he wanted but before I did that I heard a scream. Once I turned around again I saw this girl on the ground muttering under her breath.

I did NOT just hit this girl with my board. I did not just do that.

"Dang it! Are you okay?" I asked her when i finally came to my senses.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a bump. I'll survive."

After helping her up, I realised how pretty she was. Naturally pretty. Like she wasn't trying.

"Are you sure? My board is heavy and it hit you right in the head. Oh God.. I am so sorry. My mom is a nurse if you-"

"River you forgot your board wax! Woah.. what happened here and who is this?" He winks and puts his arm around the girl.

" I am.. not interested thank you very much." She says and takes his hand off her shoulder.

"He is always like that. Sorry for my friends behavior." I laugh

"Thats alright. So surfboard boy where do I get to a grocery store? I just moved in and my family and I are starving." she smiles and I swear I almost  forget what I am doing. Luckily Zayne pats me on the back and breaks the trance.

" Oh-uh, its 3 blocks down on the right. I'm River and this is Zayne by the way." I hold out my hand to shake and she hesistates a little before replying "Mackenzie. Nice meeting you but I really have to go."

"Okay. Bye Mackenzie." Zayne and I reply at the same time then all three of us start laughing and thats when we part ways. Her walking to the store and Zayne and I walking home. Leaving me to think about what just happened and why I hope I see her again soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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