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Loki has been through hell and back. He's survived things no one should have ever even been in.

Loki Laufeyson was born of jotun blood. While our young Loki was an infant, there was a war between Asgard and Jotunheim. Long story short, The Asgardians ended up winning. While Odin was in Jotunheim, he went to a temple and noticed an infant. The young child had been small for the child of a frost giant. Odin reached to pick the young child up. Said child then transformed his body to look like an Asgardian.

Odin stares deep into the infant's smaragdine eyes. He knew he couldn't just leave him there. he now hopes to unite the kingdoms together through this child one day. Odin ended up taking the child to his home in Asgard to become Loki Odinson, god of mischief, prince of Asgard, and brother of The god of thunder, Thor.

That's how loki got here, eating in the same room as the king. Many would see this as a great honor, Loki sees it as a bother. Thor was the only one who seemed to acknowledge Loki during dinner. But then again, all Thor really did was simple conversations, small gestures such as talking about the weather and commenting on how cool it is that Loki can do magic.

Loki explains how his magic works, seeming more interested in talking to Thor than Thor seems to be with him. In reality, Thor loves conversing with his younger brother. He just never shows it because he's supposed to keep up his act as 'the strong older brother to look up to.' After all, he's going to become king, and no one wants a weak king.

Their family is perfect. It's as if their family has an amazing mother, a legendary father, a perfect son, and a cat they took in because of pity, Loki being the cat in this scenario.

You see, Loki feels like an outsider. His father has always seemed to favor Thor while barely even sparing a glance in Loki's direction. His mother was unlike everyone else. She makes Loki feel loved, like he was wanted. She was the only thing that kept him sane. If Frigga hadn't been here, Loki would be gone by now. Either by running away, or by death.

Still, Loki still remains faithful that his father might just love him. He hopes that he can prove his thoughts true someday, but today is not that day. Perhaps, that day will never come. Odin sure proved that to Loki during that dinner.

Loki was listening to Thor talk about how Fandral and Hogun managed to get themselves covered in horse manure. Loki chuckled and went back to picking at his food. He remembers a similar story and wishes to share it with his brother. He opened his mouth to speak but heard a voice interrupt his statement.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll go back to eating your food, boy. Lord knows you need it." Loki's head shoots up to look over at his father. He sees his mother sending Odin a cold glare.

"I beg your pardon?" He inquired, not believing his ears. He remained polite, nonetheless.

"Don't antagonize me young man, you heard, Don't speak. I swear, you're about as smart as a fly." Odin mocks, making Loki look down again.

"But..I'm not?" Loki states as he slightly looks up at odin. He instantly regrets what he said because Odin was making his way over to him, Frigga following suit. She was trying to stop him from doing whatever he was planning. Although, he wasn't about to let her stop him. If anything, he was getting more angry because of her attempts to stop him.

Within seconds, Odin reached him. It all happened too fast for Loki to comprehend. All he knows is that Odin did something to him and that his forearm and cheek burn. Hes on the floor of a really dark room. It's small. He doesn't even realize he's been crying until he feels a lump in his throat and let's out a sob.

All he does is sit and sob for seemingly hours on end, hoping, praying for someone to save him from the feeling of being alone. Yet, no one comes. He's stuck.

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