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Dear Diary,
Its hard not knowing who you are, and where you came from, but its also easy to wonder. I dont know much about who i am or what i am. I dont know where i was born. I dont remeber nothing about my child hood at all. I dont remember taking my first steps or sayimg my first words. I especially dont know anything about my mom. Except the stories my dad tells me.

Its been hard since my moms death i guess fustraitimg for me, but a real pain in the ASS for my dad. My dad loves me i know but it always feel like he's holding something back i should know. I cant help to think that it has something to do with my mom death. See i love my dad but im sick and tired of moving house to house, city to city, and state to state just because of what he did. See back in San Diego,California my dad had killed someone. Yess! you heard me clearly he killed someone. But, lets clear it up he didnt like kill him like he was a serial killer or even a murder or something. It was self defense. I think. It was a thursday i maybe. No wait it was a friday. Anyways, it was a very hot day and i was really getting comfortable in my new school. Well i was walking from school around 2:30 or so and as i was walking i felt kind of strange, like someone wa watching me or something, i kept looking back to see if i saw anything that stuck out but there was nothing. So i thought maybe it was just me. I came across this mexican tabacco store,that i normally go to, to pick up some little knick knacks, and i still felt that someone was watching me. I walked in the store and got the usual a watermelon arizona and some skittles. I walked up to the register and looked out the door and there i saw the same blue truck that i saw when i looked back from school. See one side of me just thought it was just a coquencident but then another side didnt. I paid for my stuff and walked out the door. I decided to take the long way to the apartment just to be sure. As i pass the rail road tracks i look back, and there it was the same blue truck. I started to run. The faster i went the faster the car went i finally made it to the apartments. I slow down and made another decision to look back again i looked back and there was nothing there.

Finally i make it to my building and i started to walk up the stair and glanced at the parking lot and there i saw the bluce truck, but it couldnt had been the same one because no one was in there.
I made it up the stairs and put my key in but the door is already unlocked. I pushed it open and hollered "dad" and then i heard a big boom coming from up the stairs. I yell dad and ran up as fast as i could up the stairs to see the commotion. I make it up the stairs and see a buff guy with alot of tattoos on top of my dad hitting him in the face,i yelled dad and jump on the man trying to help. But that didnt do no good because he threw me right off of him and into a wall. I was then knocked out! I finally woke up and saw the man laying right next to me but the thing is that he wasnt alive i tried to get up but i couldnt. I just cried and stared at the knife in the man's chest. I then saw my dad rumming through clothes throwing them in bags telling me to get up because we have to go. It took me a while to get up but i did. Now thats why im here moving for the 7th time this year.

-Angel <3

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