Were Neighbors

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Ring! I rushed for the door
"Class get back to your seat,the bell doesnt dismiss you i do." mrs.bullock said
"Now you can go" i got out the door and headed into the lobby. It took force to get out the front doors but i got there. I stood by the fountain sitting at a bench looking out for my dad.
"Umm hey, im devoir(de-vore)"
"And i dont care" i said while looking at a boy
"I have you in two of my classes,mrs bullock and mrs baker" he said while attempting to sit down on the bench
"Ok and if you were in mrs baker then you heard my little speech about not trying to make friends or get to know anyone" i said
"I know and thats why i think i should get to know you. You're rebel material." he said while scooting a little
closer to me.
"I got to go umm de- uhh"
"It devoir (de-vore)"
I opened the car door threw my bag inside and got in
(This conversation is between Angel(A) and her dad (D))
D: who's the boy
A: some guy from one of my classes
D: you like this guy
A: dad i dont even know him
D: oookay. Just asking, so umm how was school
A: it was okay,i made a quick enemy
D: owe gosh you aint starting trouble aint you.
A: no its just she has some type of smart comment of everything i say
D: well dont let this get into a big situation
A: yeah okay so, how long we gone be here in this old town.
D: angel dont start picking
A:i mean is it safe for me to unpack
D: angel!
A:okay i quit
Angel POV
We drove back to the house. I went in and went towards the kitchen
I rumed through the refrigerator and found some hashbrown. Mhmm that sounds good i also made a some eggs and bacon. I finished cooking my food and sat down to eat. Dad was in the living room watching tv an unpacking boxes,more of watching tv if you ask me.
"Dad i left your plate on the stove" i said while looking at him and gesturing to the stove
"Thanks hun," he said while looking at the tv
I walked up stairs with a glass of orange juice. When i came to my door i saw my dads room door cracked open. I leaned back a little to see if he's coming. I then peaked my head through his door room to see if i saw the box from the other day. I didn't from where i was looking and i didnt want to get caught so.i head back to my room.

Dear diary
Why is so hard for me. It seems like trouble came to me. Im not doing to bad. I met someone, yes, its a boy but nothing like that. His name is devoir. He's cute but it dont matter because we migbt not be here this long anyways.
I lay down on the bed and got comfrontable then i heard the doorbell go off
Ring! Ring!
I peeped my head outside my room door and watched my dad open the door
Omg! Its devoir. I closed my room door and jumped back on the bed.
Dads POV
This conversation is between devoir (d)and angels dad(AD)
d: Hi my name is Devoir and i live across the street in The yellow house right there. My mom wanted me to bring these cookies over here to welcome you to our town.
D: nice to meet you, i saw you earlier talking to my daughter. Angel! We have a guest, its your friend from school.
Angel POV
I got up off the bed and peeped out my room door.
"Its your friend Devoir" he said while gestering to come downstairs.
I walked down the stairs and looked at devoir
"Hi" he said
"Hey" i said while making my way to the door.
"Me and some friends are goi.."
"Wait, let me step out the door first" i said while pushing him out the door and going outside the door.
"Okay well. Me and sone friends are going to this party at the cementary i was wondering if you wanted to go" he said nervously
"Maybe ill think about it"
"Ok,so what do you like to do for fun"
"There you go again trying to get to know me"
"Ok, ill stop asking questions of you go to this party with me"
"You mean as a date"
"No.just as friends"
"I dont have friends"
"Okay well as aquaintances"
"That sounds better, and okay"
"Really, okay well i live across the street in the yellow house right there. Im going to go take a shower and will be ova here in about a hour. If i take to long then just come knock on my door.
"Okay,see you in a hour i guess"

Sorry i havent been writing in a while. I just got time to do this again. Hope you like this chapter. Comment and like. Also comment ideas as well.

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