infiltrating Alchemax.

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We see you with the gang and your new friends and we see your counterpart enjoying the cupcakes.

(Y/N) 10: Oh, i love theses cupcakes. So delicious. You know, in my universe this place closed down like a year ago. I don't why they closed it, i really don't.

As we see him and Peter B enjoying the sweets the check came as the two looked at you all.

(Y/N) 10: you guys have money right? Cause I'm not very liquid right now.

(Y/N): Can we focus?

Peter B: You gonna eat that? *takes your sundae.* I'm Listening.

(Y/N): The other peter told me he's gonna show me the ropes. You guys got any hero tips.

(Y/N) 10: We got plenty. Disinfect the helmet.

Peter B: You're gonna want to use baby powder in the suit, heavy on the joints. You don't want any chafing, right?

(Y/N): Anything else?

(YN) 10: Bo that's pretty much it.

(Y/N): I think your both are gonna be bad teachers.

Peter B: Mhmm.. Look up where Alchemax is.

You got out your phone and looked up Alchemax.

(Y/N): A private technological campus in Hudson Valley, New York. You can teach me how to swing there.

Then Peter B started to laugh at that as later we see you and the others in a bus heading to Hudson Valley.

Peter B: I'm not swinging to the Hudson Valley, kid, after a hearty burger-breakfast. Keep your legs fresh, you're gonna thank me later.

Next we see all of you suiting up as you got on your hero outfit as we see Alchemax.

Kara: How are we gonna get in.

Peter B: That's a good question...

Peter: Well we need a plan.

Peter B: Got it. Step One: we infiltrate the lab

We see a comic veiw as we see it peter b going into the lab.

Peter B: step Two: find the head scientist's computer.

We see peter b sneaking as he sees a scientist on a computer as a lady with a bike passes by.

(Y/N): The lady with the bike is the head scientist, i saw her document one time.

Then peter b followed the lady.

Peter B: Cool. Step Three: I re-examine my personal biases. Step Four: I hack the computer.

Here we see peter b as he is "hacking" the computer. As a bubble wurh you showed up.

(Y/N): That's not technically hacking. It's kinda...

Peter B shewed your bubble away.

Peter B: Not now, i just lost my train of thought. Step Five: i download the important stuff, i'll know it when i see it.

We see him downloading an important file. As we see him passing by the cafeteria grabbing a bagel.

Peter B: Step Six: i grab a bagel from the cafeteria and run.

Next we see him swinging away with a beagle in his mouth. As we see him strecthing along with (Y/N) 10 as you looked at him.

(Y/N): So what do we do?

Peter B: Uh, step seven: you all stay here your all lookout very important.

(Y/N): Look, man you have to teach me to do Spider-Man stuff or I'm not going to be able to help

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