The walking dead

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        " You've got to be kidding me! " Michael Clifford Yelled at his television. He was in the process of watching the walking dead, and for the third time this week, the show just closed down. He was getting quite frustrated at this point, so he googled the Netflix help line an dialed the number. He had to hold for about 10 minutes, and finally a strong aussie accent, even more prominant than Michael's, answered.


        " Welcome to the Netflix helpline! How may I help you?"  The cheery voice asked. 

        " Well, you could make my Netflix actually work."

        " That's what I'm here for, silly! Now, what caused you to call today?"

        " The fact that this stupid show keeps being stupid and kicking me out and all i want to do is watch tv but no- " 

        He was cut off by the help dude.

        " Well, it sounds like you need assistance!"

        " Really."

        " Uhm, if your netflix application is installed on a wii, playstaion, or x-box, please turn it off and then try again. I think"

        Michael turned off his x-box and went back into the show. It worked, and he thanked the boy for the help.

        " Any time. I'm Ashton By the way." 

        " I'm Michael, and I dont care. Goodbye. "

With that he hung up and went back to watching his show.


wow go me i updated it

ok so this was like the prologue so its really short but they get longer i promise!!!1!!!11!!11!

each chapter is named after the show michael is watching u feel me yeah ok

so thought on ashton and michael

thoughts on how i bought a pet lobster from the supermarket omg his name is timmy

thoughts on idc rant here 

bye cool cats 


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