The lying game

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        A few days later, as Michael was sitting on his bed, laptop adorning his lap, netflix casting the lying game, Michael's laptop froze. The frustrated boy attempted to get out off the application, but the screen was frozen on a still-shot of Emma & Charolette.

        Michael grumbled an incoherant dammit and plucked up his phone from underneath his pillow. Maybe ashton could help him. He scrolled through his texts, and selected the one that ashton had sent him yesterday. He hit the phone emblem and soon, ashton was answering on the other line, strong aussie accent ringing through Michael's ears.

        " Hi michael! I didn't think you would call! well, i didn't think you would text, rather. But hi! How are you?"

        " Hey, and i need help" Michael spoke.

        " Netflix bothering you again?" Ashton asked.

        " Yup. Now, it's on my laptop this time. How the hell do i fix it? "

        " I told you, i was drunk throughout most of the stupid trainings, but it might be that you don't have good internet services. "

        " Well, i guess it could be that. Hey, where do you live anyway?"

        " Adelaide. Where do you live?"

        " I live in adealaide too."

        " Really? Cool! That's so intersesting how we ended up talking and we live in the same town!"

        " Yeah i guess. Well, i have to go, but thanks for the help."

        " Oh, okay. And, sure, anytime. Bye!"

        With that Michael hung up and called verizon, telling them that he was cancelling his internet, then called comcast and told them he needed someone to come hook his house up with internet.


hey hey hey!

ew gross stop Jordan
ok so sorry I haven't been on I'm on vacation enjoy and my family here is all like no tech UGH so I have  to like sneak in the basement to the really old computer to get on 're

the chapters in this are always going be just like one scene deal wITH IT

-Jordan the ugly barnacles

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