Chapter 1

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Mark falls for the third time in the practice room. All of 127 look at him in disgust and annoyance as he tries to get up. Donghyuck silently asks him if he's ok with a simple glance. That's all Mark needed as encouragement to get up and try again. Donghyuck. Donghyuck was his little brother, his everything, to see him worry and stress over him is already hard enough. "Since SOMEONE can't get it right, I suppose we can take a break." Taeyong says before turning off the speaker and getting his water bottle. Mark gets off and walks over to the speaker, plugging his phone into it, turning it on, and playing the song they were practicing. He gets in position as everyone watches from the benches. Once Taeyong starts rapping in Simon Says, Donghyuck joins Mark in the dance practice. They completely demolish the dance while everyone sits there looking stupid. Mark smiles at Donghyuck as the song finishes. He's never felt so happy.

(-Time Skip-)

"What the hell was that, Hyuck? You trying to catch a disease?" Jaemin joked as he pushed at Donghyuck's shoulders. Mark was right around the corner. Call him what you want, he wants to hear what Donghyuck will say. "I don't know man, its just so he doesn't quit and we don't lose fans when he's gone." Donghyuck replied, his heart breaking at his own words. Mark let the tears fall as he silently walked away crying. He treated Donghyuck like his brother, his best friend, the only one that cared about what happened to him. It seems he trusted too quick. Mark was too desperate for friends he let anyone who said a simple "hi" to him into his heart. Mark rushed back to the 127 dorms and into his shared room with Jaehyun. "Lion, can I come in?" Mark heard a knock at the door. Jaehyun Hyung. "C-come in..." Mark replies, curling up into a little ball of fluff. Jaehyun gently opens the door, carrying in a blanket and some fresh green tea. Mark backed away slowly, Jaehyun stopped. Jaehyun realized how much they've hurt Mark. "No, baby, no. I would never hurt you-" Jaehyun interrupted himself by walking over to Mark and engulfing it with all the warmth in his body. "I'm so sorry, lion. I'll do better." Mark cuddles up to Jaehyun while Jaehyun gets the tea he made for Mark.

(-Time Skip-)

"You did WHAT!?" Johnny yells as he storms over to Donghyuck. Donghyuck backs away into a wall, somewhat scared for his existence. "You think you're any better? It's not like YOU stick up for him." Jisung states matter of factly. Johnny glares at him, but stays silent knowing Jisung is right. Is he changing for Mark? What's happening? Johnny walks out of the room, confused and pissed off at himself and the situation at hand. Mark finally broke? He finally showed emotions for the things we've done? All for Donghyuck? Why didn't Mark cry for when Johnny was mean to him? Why didn't he cry when he wouldn't say "good job to you too" back after practice? Johnny walked back to the dorms. When we walked in, he could hear Mark's sniffles and Jaehyun singing to him. "I'll be your morning star, and you'll be my angel, you'll be my angel~" Jaehyun sang as Mark slowly but surely gave into his urge to sleep. He's happy that Jaehyun came to comfort him. He curled into Jaehyun's side more before falling into a world of relaxation. Finally being able to dream. Dreamland felt so welcoming.

(-Time Skip-)

Mark woke up to see its dark outside and Jaehyun is asleep next to him. He looks at the time on his phone. 10:37pm. Mark groans knowing damn well he won't be going to sleep anytime soon. He gets up and heads to the kitchen to get a drink of water. When he walks into the kitchen, he sees Johnny sitting at the island. "H-hi, Hyung..." Mark greets quietly as he slowly and nervously walks towards the cupboard where the keep all the cups. As he pours water into his cup, he turns to his side to see Johnny right next to him. Mark flinches but then relaxes, nervously looking anywhere but at Johnny's face, too scared to even ask him why he's so close. "You're in my way." Johnny says blankly. Looking down at Mark with a dead stare. Mark quickly moves out of the way, not wanting to get yelled at. He gulps down his water then starts heading back to his room. Once he arrives back to his room, he walks in and instantly snuggles back up in Jaehyun's waiting arms. Mark keeps thinking back to how close Johnny was, how he felt the warmth oof his body radiating off of him. He was so confused, scared, and exhausted all at the same time. Johnny didn't call him anything mean like usual, he's usually as a "loser" or a "fag" at the end of his sentence but he didn't. He was so close and he didn't hurt Mark or shove him. He never thought Johnny could ever be friends with him again, but maybe he has a chance. Mark then thinks back to what Donghyuck said, maybe Johnny will do the same thing, maybe even Jaehyun is doing the same thing. Mark doesn't really care though, he's so desperate for love again he'll do anything. Do people just want him so the fans don't leave? Or does someone actually want him here because they enjoy his presence. All Mark knows is that he misses Johnny. He misses laughing and playing with Donghyuck, he misses Johnny's smile every time he sees Mark. All he wants is to feel wanted in the group. If he could turn back time to just experience the happiness all over again then he definitely would. Maybe someone has answered his prayers. Thinking of all of this, Mark falls fast asleep.

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