Chapter 1: The Return Of Mary Wardwell

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Mary walked out of the bookshop / diner and onto the street. Her head hurt and she had a stabbing pain on her right side of her ribs. She crossed the street quickly and into where she assumed her car would be parked. She was right. Her car was parked at the far back. Funny thing is, she couldn't remember the drive there or even getting out of her car to go to the bookshop either.

She got into her car and was surprised at how hot it was. She expected it to be a lot colder for the month of October. She stripped off her jacket and pulled out of the parking lot. 

She drove down the narrow road leading towards her home. Mary turned the radio on and when Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival came on, she hit the breaks. She started heavy breathing and instantly changed the song. Mary didn't know why she got so scared and why her breathing became so heavy. 

After a few moments, Mary started the car again. She kept driving, trying to keep her thoughts away from that dream she had. 

She entered her driveway and immediately got out.

Entering her cottage, an unsettling feeling crept up in her. The house looked...different. it didn't feel hers. Mary noticed the cross turned upside down and the chairs moved around. She slowly walked through the house, trying to make as little noise as possible. She stepped on something and when looking down, she raised a brow. Picking it up, Mary held it to the light. "Is that a…" she quickly threw it back down after realizing it was a human rib. 

Her head was throbbing now and she needed to lay down. Opening her bedroom door, she was relieved to see it looked the same. She began to undress. Once fully nude, she opened up her closet. Everything of hers was still there. She sighed in relief. Grabbing a long white silk nightgown, Mary closed her closet. She looked down and gasped. A deep scar formed at the bottom of her ribs. She ran her finger over the scar. Her head was spinning. The rib...oh...oh my god. Mary ran to the bathroom, throwing up the contents from what she ate at Cerberus's. 

She brushed her teeth, a tear formed in her eye. 

Mary got dressed in her nightgown and took out her hair. She rested her back against the headboard, pulling her knees up to her chest. She cried. She always cried. Almost every night. Things weren't going too well for her right now and they may have gotten worse. Mary felt like a stranger in her own house and had seemed to forget going into town. 

Mary rested her face in her palms, softly crying. She stayed like that for awhile until sleep suddenly washed over her.

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