Chapter 12: Date!?

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"Let me help you with that." Zelda picked up three buckets of flowers. She carried them to the small green car, the brunette not far behind her. 

Zelda closed the truck, turning towards Mary. "Thank you." The brunette moved a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 

"No problem. Have a nice day, Mary." Zelda went to turn to the hearse when Mary called out. 


"Yes?" Zelda turned back around, noting the nervous look on the woman's face. They had had a few encounters for the last two weeks. Zelda had been over to her house only once more after giving her the pie. 

"Would you like to… um… go to the movies with me this friday?" Zelda smiled and nodded. 

"I would be delighted to." Mary smiled, teeth showing. 

Lilith, she's gorgeous

Zelda had been finding herself growing more and more fond of the brunette. 

"See you in two days then." Zelda nodded, turning back to the hearse. Mary got into her car, a deep blush across her cheeks. 

Zelda got into her car, her mind flooding with thoughts of Mary. She sat down, making a grab for her seat belt. Turning, she gasped loud. 



"W-what are you doing here?" Lilith shrugged. Zelda buckled, pulling out of the parking lot. 

They sat in silence for a little, nothing but the low hum of whatever song was playing on the radio. It was hardly there. Zelda reached to turn it up, unable to stand the silence any longer, when Lilith spoke. 

"So you have a date?" 

Zelda glared at Lilith, "No." 

"To me, it sounded like she asked you out on a date." Zelda chuckled, shaking her head. 

"Well it's not." Lilith grinned. 

"Really? You don't like her?" Zelda nearly stopped the car. 

"Like her? Like her? You are an imbecile." Zelda regretted saying that as soon as it left her mouth. 

"You should be." Zelda sighed, pulling out on the dirt road that led to the mortuary. 

"I am really sorry. It's just… you are right." Lilith gave Zelda a pat on the knee. 

"You don't have to be afraid, Zelda. I'm sure… I'm sure she is. Just… mh." Lilith looked sympathetic and Zelda wondered if she actually felt bad for what she did to the woman. 
"Be there for her. Just… please."

Zelda nodded, her hands steady on the wheel. 

"And Zelda." 


"Don't hurt her." 

"I won't." 

"If… if you don't want to be with her… don't. Don't toy with her." Zelda smiled. 

"You have a soft spot for her." Lilith scoffed. 


"Yes!" Lilith was silent. Zelda took in Lilith's words, trying to form and answer. 
"I won't hurt her, Lilith. I actually like her." Zelda smiled. She never thought in a million years she would be sitting here, talking with a demoness about her feelings for a mortal woman. 

"Good. She doesn't deserve anymore hurt." 

"What if I told her?" Lilith took in a sharp breath. 

"Told… her?" 

"Yes. What if I told her what happened? That I'm a witch?" Lilith gripped Zelda's arm. 

"No! You mustn't!" Zelda shook her head. 

"But what if… we fall… for one another?" Lilith shook her head this time, rubbing at her temples. 

"You must never tell her what happened. Do you understand? If things get… serious… serious … I'll decide if you tell her what you are." Zelda gripped the wheel firmly. 


"I beg your pardon?" 

"No. I'll decide if I tell her… I'll decide if I tell her everything." Lilith felt her blood pressure rise. 

"No! You will not!" 

"Yes I will! She deserves to know!" Lilith covered her eyes with her hand. Zelda might of thought she was crying… if she wasn't a demon. 
"You may be the Queen Of Hell but you have no real control over me. Besides, you were the one to put me up to this task in the first place." 

"You're right, maybe I shouldn't have trusted you with this." Zelda choked down a gasp. 



"Fuck you." 

Lilith stared at her for a moment. Her hand was propped up against the window ledge. She slowly turned, covering her mouth with her hand. 



"Fuck you too." 

Lilith and Zelda are so nice to each other lol

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