18. Forever Young

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i really want LT1 to come out so i can add Too Young to the playlist.

P.S. hope you all like that little video attached ;^)

Pride was a dangerous thing. It stole away the opportunity for change, sometimes for the better. It was an addiction to be prideful, to be so full of oneself that they lose sight of those around them, pride was a poison.

Harry was prideful. He was proud of who he was, he wasn't afraid to show off his success and the life he's built for himself. It crosses his mind that pride could be what tore him apart.

Louis was a different story, he never tore Harry apart. He set him aflame and let him burn. Harry can't help but have sympathy when Louis leaves his house that day. He should be angry, he should feel accomplished with finally telling Louis how he feels, but he can't. Not after seeing Louis sulk in the back of a cop car as they drove down Harry's street. Louis' mother went with him and she looked at Harry once before crying too, he held her as she thanked him for everything. He only felt heavy because she must've heard their argument yet she still kissed his cheek and wished him well.

Harry knows it wasn't his fault, but he can't help and think it is. Louis was sad, he was crying as he packed his bags and Harry listened through the wall. He held himself back from barging into the bedroom and making Louis stay and kicking Liam out from his house. But he was too prideful. He felt proud of giving Louis a piece of his mind, of his pain. It lifted the weight off his back, and dropped it on Louis'.

Pride. Harry had pride. Louis had pain. In a darkly poetic way, they complimented each other. But poetry, for the most part, was dark. Many of it surrounding the idea of loss and loneliness clad in rhymes and philosophies. Poetry was words anyone could feel, it used imagery as a weapon and held a metaphorical gun to the reader's head to force them to feel, but it was only worth it when one is bursting at the seams to write.

Maybe he loved Louis too much. Maybe he loved him too little. Either way, his love was what ruined him the most. Nothing is worse than unrequited love. It never leaves and always lingers, it was a diamond in the sun and Harry was burning with it.


"I wonder if it's the same as a girl," Louis mutters one day. London was boring in October even though it was a few days before Halloween. Especially in their neighbourhood because no one even bothered to decorate their house, let alone hand out candy.

"What?" Harry munches on his cookie, having stolen it off the baking sheet as soon as it came out from the oven. He and Louis sat in his basement, watching a film in the darkness. It was a tradition of watching scary movies all of October in the empty abyss of Harry's basement. At least now it was renovated and warmer than the previous year when they began the tradition.

Louis turns to him, his cookie long forgotten on his plate. He didn't like oatmeal and raisin cookies, only oatmeal, Harry, never raisins. "Kissing."

Harry laughs at the seriousness on Louis' face. "What are you on about?"

"Can I kiss you?"

The green-eyed teen chokes on his cookie, it scratches his throat and his eyes pool with tears. Louis pats his back as he coughs, he abandons his cookie on his plate, he feels a raisin lodged in the back of his throat. "Me?"

"Well, you're the only other one here." Is Louis' reply.

"But I'm a boy."

"Research purposes." Louis scoots closer, wrinkling his nose and wiping a crumb off Harry's cheek. He was such a messy eater sometimes.

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