A LOZ Ocarina of Time video game case... Ok then...

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You put your hand in and pull out a LOZ Ocarina of Time video game case. You looked at it for a moment until Dark Link snatched it out of your hand and winked at you. You both walked into the closet and I shut and locked the door.

You watched Dark Link's silhouette in the dark, but he just got closer and closer to you. You backed up to the wall and he got even closer until there was a centimeter of space between you both, he then said "You're cute, but the last girl I said that to I murdered" you shivered a little but he put his arms around you.

You both looked into each other's eyes, until Dark Link crashed his lips onto yours. You melted into the kiss, you then pulled away after a couple minutes. Dark Link pinched your ass and you gasped and he kissed you again but slipping in his tongue this time.

I then opened the door and saw you two kissing and Jeff wolf whistled. Ben kept getting closer to me but I ignored as I usually did. You and Dark went upstairs, Ben asked me too, but instead of refusing as I normally do, I said "Meh, why not" and we went upstairs too.

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