What The Hell Is A Ship Name?

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 The stranger extended his hand towards Aileen and helped her inside the room through the window. Aibek jumped in with ease like he had done it a million times before. Which he most likely had. Aileen looked around the room, admiring all of the furniture and decorations. They were standing in a large bedroom much different from theirs. The walls were painted white and full of colorful posters displaying different artists, movies, shows, and video games. A light grey bed was placed in the corner of the room, the bed was unmade and books were scattered on top of it. Aileen wasn't given much more time to examine the room before the stranger spoke.

"So you're Aileen," the stranger said.

"Yeah, how do you know my brother?" Aileen questioned.

"Aileen... this is Xander," Aibek said gesturing towards Xander. "He is my boyfriend."

Aileen's eyes grew wide at her brother's words. Her lips grew into a wide smile and she wrapped Aibek in a tight hug, he reluctantly hugged her back.

"Aibek has a boyfriend, Aibek has a boyfriend," she sang as she danced around the room. "Aibek has a boyfriend, I ship it, hashtag Aider forever!"

"Aider?" Aibek asked confused.

"I take it that's our ship name," Xander said.

"What the hell is a ship name?" Aibek asked.

"It's the both of our names combined into one, it's called a ship name," Xander explained.

"You never read those fanfictions mom and dad brought and it shows," Aileen said pointing at him. "Wait so how long has Aider been a thing?"

"I first discovered the hole when you were about nine years old I believe," Aibek explained.

"You discovered it when you were sixteen, did you go into the village?" Aileen questioned.

"I did, I ran into Xander, literally, and we became friends. I snuck out every couple of days so we could meet and two years later we became a couple," Aibek said.

"Hold on, you two have been a ship for four years and you never told me?" Aileen said sounding almost offended.

"You didn't tell me you found the hole and snuck out," Aibek said crossing his arms over his chest.

"I found it yesterday! You've been using it for six years!" Aileen said mimicking his pose. Aibek dropped his arms to his sides and Aileen considered that a win. She turned to Xander and extended her hand. "Nice to meet you by the way!" Xander smiled and shook her hand with a firm grip.

"Have you guys heard the rumour going around?" Xander asked.

"What rumour?" Aibek questioned.

"People are talking about a miracle, the mayor's son was sick and dying but now he's perfectly fine," Xander said.

"Wow, how is that possible?" "Do you think it was magic?" Aileen joked.

Ignoring his little sister, Aibek exclaimed: "I swear it wasn't me! I told you I wouldn't go near the other houses, and I've kept my word."

This made both Xander and Aibek turn their head in Aileen's direction.


"Aileen, what exactly did you do in the village last night?" Aibek asked her.

"Well, I saw a boy yesterday, he seemed quite sick. I kind of took care of him so he could sleep... Wait, did, did I heal him somehow?" Aileen said, confused.

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