Part 1: An explosive Reaction!

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Edit: Fixed some stuff up.

Note: Part 3 will either come out today or tomorrow depending on my level of wanting to do shit.


[Bakugou would be walking home from U-A after yelling at that nerd Deku, He just turned 19 and his quirk was famed for being strong enough to wipe out cities]

Bakugou: Tch! Damn Deku! He wasn't going all out in that damn battle!

[He recently won against Deku in a battle exercise]

[Bakugou would be walking some more until he stumbled upon a novel]

Bakugou: What the fuck is this.

[He'd pick it up and start reading it]

Bakugou: So.. this story about Five heroes.. LAME!

[Bakugou would finish reading the book after a couple days, and right after, it happened... A villain attacked and bakugou's reckless attitude got a sword though his heart and he was killed immediately]

Villain: Hah, all for one has given me strength beyond yours

[Bakugou would wake up and find himself floating in almost completely white room and before he could say a word a voice said]

Voice: My my, fragile soul, do not worry, for I will grant you a new life with the other four

Bakugou: HUH!

Voice: You will become what you dreamed, A hero

Bakugou: what the FUCK!

[He would be shot into a room where he would see four other people]


The other four: Huh! Oh there's another guy!

[The four people he would see had weapons on them too, and he would he he had two giant gauntlets like his grenade ones]

Bakugou: Hmmmm

Stanger: Yo! Does anyone know how the hell he got here!

Other stranger with a bow: We seem to be in a castle of some sorts, but I remember dying!

[All of them would say they died too when a priest walks out]

Priest: Oh the five Cardinal Heroes welcome to Melromarc!

[-The Gauntlet Hero-] 'Rising Of The Shield Hero ' FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now