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"Angelita? You're listening right?"

I finally come back to reality once I hear Joy's voice questioning whether or not I'm listening to her talk about some girl she's been hooking up with that's inviting her to a club next weekend for her birthday.

"Yeah, sorry." I say while gaining back interest in this conversation.

Joy is my best friend and always has been since 7th grade, now we're in our 2nd year of college. She can be quite a handful considering how outgoing and social she is on a daily basis but she is a great friend and has always been there for me at my worst. I never had the best family growing up so I'm very thankful to have her in my life, I consider her a destined sister.

"I definitely think she has a thing for me and I'm might have a thing for her." Joy says as she plops down next to me on the couch, placing her bowl of popcorn in her lap.

Joy has also been openly gay for the past 3 years, she came out at our high school graduation during her honour roll speech and I cried. I was honestly so proud of her because all through out our years of high school, she hid her sexuality and dated boys she wasn't even interested in to get her mind off her burden of a secret. Now she's completely open and enjoying life to the fullest and it makes me happy to see her happy.

"She seems like a good girl and you're amazing so why not? Didn't she invite you to the club for your birthday? You should go." I say taking a handful of popcorn from her bowl.

"You need to come with me and I'm not taking a no for an answer." she points her finger towards me with a bit of butter grease on the tip.

"Joy, you know I can't I have to study sessions with Professor Kim." I say, pushing her finger down.

"Angelita! You are going since it is my birthday and I'd hate to celebrate it without you!" She whines.

"Your study sessions with Professor Kim can wait and I know you're gonna hate that because you'd love to admire Professor Kim for an extra 2 hours but I'm more important." She says sternly while stuffing her face with more popcorn.

I do love my study sessions with Professor Kim because I could admire him all day if I could, the way he speaks, his masculine yet gentle scent, his fit physique, 2 hours is simply not enough for me considering I'm usually the only one in his sessions.

"We can celebrate during the day and the next, the next after that." Joy gives me a small glare.

"Angelita! Please!" She whines while tugging my arm.


"Please! I'll love you forever even though I already do and don't even try to say you're falling behind and need to go or some bullshit excuse because you're one of the top students in that program!" Joy cuts me off and continues to whine while pulling me into a hug.

I guess I can miss just one session for Joy, I'm mean it is her birthday and I'd be a bitch to choose something else over celebrating with her. See you next week Professor Kim!

"Fine I'll go because I love you and you are more important." I say sarcastically while wrapping my arms around her.

"Yes! I love you! I love you! I love you!" I giggle as she kisses me continuously on my forehead then snuggling into me.

After Joy and I's little snuggle session, I decide on what movie to watch as she gets up to go make more popcorn for us.

Hope this weekend goes well.


"Ah fuck!"

I thrust into the married woman one last time before I spill inside the condom. I groan as I slip out of her her and plop onto my back next to her while taking heavy breaths, removing the filled rubber. The woman places her head onto my chest and places kisses while running her hand over my built stomach.

"You're such a good boy Jeon." she compliments, kissing my cheek and dragging her hand down my stomach towards my member.

I get up before she reaches her destination and start putting my clothes back on that were scattered on the floor from our previous events, before I can put on my shirt, the woman grabs my arm.

"You're leaving already?" She questions, her grey sheets draped over her to cover her naked body.

"Your husband's gonna be home soon and I don't feel like getting a black eye again, Professor Choi." I say pulling my arm back so I can put my shirt on.

"Jungkook, you know I don't like it when you call me that when we're together." she says sternly, I scoff.

"What do I call you then? Huh? Mrs. Kim?" I say glaring at the disloyal woman.

"Fine, leave." She gets up causing the sheets to fall off her body.

"See if I care." The woman walks to the bathroom and soon I hear the water start to run, showers won't help her get rid of the disgusting person she is deep down.

Once I'm dressed, I go to walk out of the bedroom to leave but bump into a dresser due to the lack of light causing a picture frame to fall to the ground. I go to pick it up but my eyes stay glued to the picture as I see a happy married couple with 3 kids smiling, 2 boys and 1 girl. How could a person betray their own family behind their backs? Why would you want to destroy you're own family for a night of pleasure? Well, a few nights of pleasure you could say. It's disgusting.

I place the picture frame back and continue to leave the house, I get into my car that is parked a little down the road just incase her husband came home early. As I get in, I reach over to find her underwear that she took off in the car on our way back from campus. I'm not keeping these I think as I throw them out the window and begin to drive off.

I put the car in park as I reach my destination, I head towards the building and open the lights as I enter my loft. I make my way over the bathroom and strip from my clothing, I jump into the shower and let the water run down my body as it relaxes my muscles and tension. I continue with my shower until I'm finished, wrapping a towel around my waist while making my way to the bedroom to find a clean pair of underwear and sweats.

I open my phone while I lay in bed, 2:28 am shows on my lock screen.

I should head to bed if I wanna get a reasonable amount of sleep before my class in the morning.

I close my eyes and try to relax but my mind pictures someone sitting at a table by the window,

her locks of soft hair covering her face from where I sit, her silhouette perfectly curvy and beautiful, her skirt showing just the right amount of her soft thighs as she crosses her legs under the table.

I fall asleep to the image of this girl on my mind.


I've chosen to rewrite this whole story because I didn't like how I wrote it at first,
I hope this story line I have in mind won't turn out like shit lol.

Vote and comment:)

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