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8:52 am

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I put all my essential items for class in my bag as I have a granola bar in my mouth. I rush to the bathroom to try to make myself look somewhat decent and presentable with a light touch up of make up. After brushing, I run downstairs trying to not to trip or slip.

This is what I get for watching "one more episode", it's a trap honestly. Soon enough, I finish the entire fucking series because I needed to know how it ended.

I grab my car keys and head for the door, on my way to the car I see some article of clothing on the road but choose to ignore it. I hop into the car and start to race my way to class, as I pull into the parking lot, I see a spot that's free.

Thank you mighty gods above for blessing me with this free parking spot!

On my way to the spot, some douche pulls in right before me and completely cuts me off. He calmly gets out like he didn't just steal my spot. I honk at him, which catches his attention and he begins to make his way to my window.

What the fuck! I didn't honk to talk to you! I honked for you to fucking move you dumbass!

He tilts his head at my window as I roll it down. He's wearing shades which slightly cover his eyes and a white t-shirt with some black jeans.

He's got a nice physi-

"Are you done checking me out?" He asks with a slight smirk on his lips.

Douche. He took my spot.

"You took my spot." I say sternly with a hint of sass. I see him lift his eyebrows as though he was amused, he begins to smirk even more.

"There's no reservations on the spot sweetheart" he says leaning into my car, with the same god damn smirk.

I really want to just smack that smirk off of his face so bad! You know what? I don't have time for this and I'm already late as it is 9:13 and- wait 9:13!

I speed off without saying anything else and try to find spot with takes me an extra five minutes, I exit my car and race to the building. As I enter I see the same guy, leaning against the wall on his phone. I ignore him and pace to my class but I hear someone behind me.

"Hey! Sweetheart whom I stole a parking spot from!" I hear behind me, his voice getting closer.

I continue to ignore him but soon feel his hand grip my forearm to get me to stop and look at him. I turn around, annoyed while pushing away his grip.

"I'm trying to get to class" I say sternly

"You know, you almost ran over my foot when you drove off like a maniac" he says coming a bit closer to me.

I don't even know who this guy is and he thinks he has the audacity to stop me and try to get close to me, no thanks big guy!

"Really? I was hoping to completely run you over but damn, so close" I say, turning around to finally get to class.

I notice that he's right beside me and is staring straight into me as though he's scanning me. I turn to him and see him smirk.

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