October 31st, 1997. Suzy's 6th birthday party

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Helpless. I couldn't figure out what was going on. I rubbed my eyes and stared at the floor in hopes that what was standing over me would disappear, however it didn't. It got closer and closer and closer until I could practically feel whatever this was breathing down my neck. This must of been my imagination playing a trick on me, it couldn't be real. But why did it feel so real? Why was this feeling of grief and fear so close to me at the age of 6.
"What are you doing?" Her father, Howard, Questioned.
"Nothing. I- um, thought I saw something" Suzy whispers, eager at the thought that her father would become angered with her response.
This couldn't be real. Whatever stood over me felt like it had just professed the worlds worst secrets, started a war, hell even murdered someone. It was evil. I could feel it. Even at 6 years old, I know what was ever in-front of me that day, was not apart of my imagination. It was an evil spirit of something I wish I had never came in contact with.
My birthday party when I was 6 was a day I will never forget. That beast of evil I felt left a footprint in my brain that is the size of the earth, unforgettable. I haven't seen that creature in the last 12 years, but today was different.

My 18th birthday.

Every birthday that has passed over the last 12 years has been nothing special. The same people, in the same place with the same food. However, I didn't mind it that much. It was like a tradition. Wake up and get dressed to meet in the church to pray. At 1 o'clock, everyone would gather round in my big backyard and attempt to celebrate what has felt like the longest year of my life. The only thing missing from the tradition was that evil beast. Oh how I hated my birthday after that evil beast, but the people were just right..
nevertheless, of course my crazy life surprises me once again.
It came back.
It finally was back.
I knew that I wasn't crazy.
Or am I?
Over the last 12 years I have waited for it to come back. Does that sound crazy? I have been manically waiting for the day it came back to prove to myself that I have never been insane. I am normal.

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