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My father and I lost my mother due to unknown reasons around December last year. God how I wished she was still here. The move was unexpected. Over night practically. I guess my father couldn't handle Texas anymore. Maybe it was because everything around us reminded us of her. Maybe he wanted a fresh start, i'm not sure anymore. My father and I never had a close relationship, especially after my 6th birthday party. The first night I ever saw her, the evil beast that lurked in the shadows, she understood. My mother believed me and my father, well he thinks i'm crazy. He still does. Maybe the evil beast did this on purpose, ruined my relationship with my father. Maybe this creature that lurked above me wanted this life for me. I seek for it. I seek for HER. I've never given the creature that haunts me a name, but this is it. I am an adult now, and she does not control me. I will control her. I have not seen her since that birthday but she is back. Her is back. Oh how I knew this day would come. She came back. After 12 long years of feeling insane, she came back to me. My father had set up a small get together in my yard for me, but something felt wrong. As I sat at the table getting ready to eat with my beloved friends and family, something felt off. The ground beneath my feet began to sink and the skies became a grey coloured void filled with guilt and angst. She began to lurk from the black shadows surrounding my small home. Her is back, but it was different. The evil beast had developed into a wicked, dead looking woman. She had changed over the years. Became an adult if you would. She dawned over me and creepily smiled. I was frozen. Stuck in a loop of her smiling and using her thumb to imitate a slit throat. Everything went black for a minute and I was to frozen to move. After a minute passed, it was over. I look over to my friends and family as they have been all staring at me as I followed her with my eyes.
"I'm- I'm sorry. Let's eat this cake and celebrate a new beginning." I softly spoke with a grin
As my family and I shared food, I felt the most sane I have in years, but something felt wrong.

"It's time" something muttered out of the dark.

"Did you guys hear that? It's time!" I proclaimed with glee, as everyone would finally see and hear what I did on that dark birthday.

"Quit that now. Time for what?" My father yelled across the table possessing the angriest look in his eyes.

"He doesn't believe me, no one does. I heard it! I heard it! She is back!" I let out a sharp cry.

Everyone was looking. No one has seen what I have seen. They will finally see what I have seen. It's time I know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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