Jealousy or Loneliness?

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(ᴛʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏsᴛ ɪᴠᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ :0)
(As this story is published I am writing the second chapter which should be updated on Tuesday hopefully)

(A/N) enjoy the story! Axel is in 8th grade btw.
Axel's P.O.V

Middle school... Great time to see familiar and ugly faces again.


Hello my name is Axel I'm a male and is 4'10 hoping for my growth spurt to hit me soon- is this off topic? What are my lines again? Oh right... AHEM. Hi im Axel Gray, im gay and this is the story on how I confessed to my middle school crush.


I got off the bed stretching as I held my breath, while stretching I groan loudly as I exhaled relieving my bad sleeping positions. I soon went into the bathroom washed my face, fixed my hair, and brushed my teeth. You know, the usual everyday morning routine. If you don't brush your teeth in the morning and at night you're disgusting.

After I finished my duties in the bathroom I throw on my outfit I picked out from the night before. I was wearing a green silk dress-shirt along with black ripped jeans and a belt to restraint my jeans from slipping. I left the buttons unbuttoned to show my black tanktop I was wearing.

I then tucked in the shirt pulling it out a little so it makes a poof. Throwing on my new shoes and backpack. I left the house locking the door of course, and went to the bus stop.

Time skip to school qwq

I went to the gym which was almost empty just 20 kids chilling in there. I sat down waiting for my friends to arrive. About 5 minutes later my friends arrived and sat down with me. By now the gym was full of loud chattering kids. We talked and gave eachother compliments etc,etc. When the morning Assembly was done we were dissmissed to go to class.

I went to my first class which was social studies. The teacher had us make some name tags so he could remember our names. I quickly looked around the classroom seeing two new kids. "Interesting..." I mumbled under my breath.

Then the bell rung everyone got up putting their folders away crowding through the small door. I sighed and luckily was able to squeeze through heading to my next class which was math.

I seriously struggle with math so much its a pain but I think its just because I don't pay attention in class. I sat down talking out my notebook as we wrote some notes about square roots, rational numbers, etc all that math stuffs.

I was in a table with my friends as we talked and worked on the paper the teacher assigned to us. "bro did you see that new student in 8.2?" my friend Leah said as I tried to refrain from rolling my eyes "he's decent I guess.." I said as scratched out the drawing I did on my paper.


Middle school was spilt into 2 groups and I am in 8.1 if you're wondering


"what did you guys get for #20?" My other friend Max asked "83" I replied back hoping I was right "oh yeahh thats right" Max said as I sighed in relief. The bell then rung causing everyone to dash out the doors and into the crowded halls. We all head to our lockers putting our things away heading to our next class Science.

Science was okay we have a seating chart and I was put next to my cousin we don't really talk much he only talks to my brothers... The only time we talk is when we trash talk about the school or people at the school.

What can I say? My school is whack. While in science we took a pre-test from all the things we've learnt from 6-7th grade struggling to remember everything I got a great score.


The bell rung and we all headed to the cafeteria waiting in line as we grabbed our trays of food. Finding no where to sit as all the tables are full with 6 and 7th graders. We soon found a spot and sat down as my friends (besides Max) started glancing at the new boy in 8.2. Nobody knew his name yet accept people in 8.2 which my friends from that class knew.

His name was Prince he was a shy boy with his hair slicked back with gel he knew how to dress and I was impressed because most guys here don't dress they're either in a sweater with shorts or sweat pants. On a serious note his teeth are white as fuck.

Everyone was done with their lunches and was dissmissed to their final class rushing up the stairs worried to be tardy. I head to my lockers and into the next class ELA. We of course had assigned seats and had to find our names writen on the small card taped onto the tables.

It was almost the end of the day when the ELA teacher made us get into groups and play a game with others. I sighed and stood up getting into the groups he assigned us and then... I saw him..

He had bright caramel eyes, dark skin and short curly hair. His smile... I want to see that on his face everyday. "Axel! Its your turn" I quickly snap out of my love trance confused as I looked around "o-oh uhh what was that again?" I replied quite embarrassed hoping nobody caught me staring.

"shes lettuce im tomato and she's dog food..." Olivia my friend said as she looked quite disgusted. "oh uhm lettuce, tomato, dog food, and bread" I said stating the obvious.

We were playing a game that you have to make 'the greatest sandwich in the world' and what would it have in it.

The class died down as we went back to our seats taking notes about our summer and sharing out what we did. It wasn't long until the bell rung once again.

We entered study hall basically we're still in the same room but we have to do our homework or something but it was the first week of school so we all played a game.

Time skip to the bus

I walked onto the crowded bus lookimh for a seat. I saw as a seat was opened and sat there realizing that I was sitting across him not knowing he was also in my bus. It was awkward I mean... We don't talk but maybe as time goes on he will talk to me...?

I sighed watching my cousin, Sammy talk to him. They we're laughing and playing around. I smiled as I started to feel weird... My heart ached a little bit as I stared out the window thinking to myself.
"Is this Jealousy or Loneliness...?"

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