Chapter Thirty-Four~ Boy Best Friend

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June 6th, 2014
Kayla's POV

I'm playing my guitar right now for fun.

I start humming some random tune that sounded good in my head.

"Whatcha doing?" Connor asks knocking on my door.

"CONNOR!!!!" I yell running towards him.

"What's up pissflaps" he greets.

"I was playing my guitar" I say jokingly.

"Yell get up and let's go to the beach" he tells me.

I nod sschange in my bathroom come about and we go to the beach.

10 minutes later.

We've arrived to the beach there's there was so many people.

It was almost impossible to get a nice spot to stay.

"Hey! Come over here!" Connor says and points to a nice area in somewhat shade.

I walk over to where Connor was and place my towel down.

"Perfect spot Con" I said.

He thanked me and we went into the cool salt water.

I'm like an athlete in water, I can do flips and stuff yet not get hurt.

Just put that on the list of what I can do that's cool 😉.

Connor and I ended up staying at the beach for half the day.

Once it started to get cool we left.

I opened my front door and walked in followed by a wet Connor.

"You can shower in Taylor's room." I say and point to his room.

Connor nods and goes into Taylor's bathroom whereas I go into mine.

Once I get out of the shower I change into my tank top and my PINK yoga pants.

Connor comes out a few minutes after with his hair wet and flat down.

This gives me a chance to finally ruffle his hair.

That's exactly what I did.

"Stop, I don't need tiny hands in my hair." Connor whines.

I take my hand out of his hair and wipe the wetness of his hair on his face.

"Ew what was that on your hand?" Connor asked me.

"You wet hair, now hurry up I want to make a YouTube video of us doing the friend challenge." I say dragging Connor up the stairs.

Once we get upstairs I tweet.

@SimplyKay~{HELLO peeps! I'm doing a challenge with my friend @Connor99}

I get my camera and start the video.

"Hi guys and girls it's SimplyKay here with my friend Connor! We're going to do the
friend challenge it's like the bf gf challenge except for friends" I giggle.
"Okay Kayla what is my favorite color?" Connor asks me.

"Red, now give me a harder question" I say.

"Okay name who's special to me" Connor smirks.

"You family and friends obviously, me *cheeky smile* , and Madison." I say.

"Okay, why are they special to me?" He asks.

"Well you have to care for family and friends, me because I'm me and we've known each other for years and Madison because she's you girlfriend." I smile.

Connor smiles back.

"Now I get to ask the questions!" I smirk.

Connor huffed because he knew these questions would be hard since I smirked.

"Okayy, who is my favorite person?" I ask.

"Either me, Taylor, Hayes, your mom, or your dad" he states.

"Which one?" I ask.

"Your mom?" He says unsure.

"CORRECT!" I yell smiling.

Connor sighs in relief and I ask another question.

"Okay, why are they special to me, with detailsssss" I say.

"Me because I'm the bestest person ever, taylor because he is your brother, hayes because he's you bae/boyfriend and you mom and dad because they're your creators" Connor says laughing.

"Creators? Okay" I laugh.

"I don't want to have to explain how they are your creators" he tells me.

"Oh no I'm good I already know" I say disgusted.

"NO!" Connor says squeezing me and covering my ears.

"Whatever they told you is a lie, a lie" he repeats.

"Your still innocent" he tells me.

"Okay okay just get off of me" I laugh.

Connor lets go and touches my shoulder "now are you okay?" He asks.

I nod "NEXT QUESTION!" " what is my iPhone passcode?" I ask.

"Trick question you have the 5s so you use your thumb instead of a passcode but if you don't use your thumb your passcode is 3, 9 , 1, 4 because that was the day Hayes asked you out and kissed you." He says like it's nothing.

"I'm done here you've answered them all correct so it's a tie. links in the discription below bye peeps" I say and cover my camera.

We had plenty of mistakes so I had to edit them out then I chose the song rejects by 5SOS for the background.

Then I tweeted again.

@SimplyKay~{new video on YouTube}

@SimplyKay~{I need pizza, and a cuddle 🍕😽}

Hayes POV

I watched Kayla's YouTube video with her friend Connor.

"Is that her?" Skylynn asks me.

" yeah" I say.

"She's really pretty" Skylynn compliments.

"Isn't she" I say.

I decided to FaceTime Kayla.

After two rings she answers.

"Ello!" She chirps.

"Hey babe what's up?" I ask.

"Pizza tang in eating, is that Skylynn?" She asks.

I nod "yeah I'm at home and it's 7 PM and I'm bored"

"Well it's 4 PM here." She says

"Since its June and schools done for me I get to stay with Nash in California for three months, practically until the end of August beginning of September." I tell her.

"YAY!" She cheers.

"Hayes, Skylynn come down for dinner!" My mom yells.

"I gotta go I'll call you tomorrow bye" I say.

"Bye Hayes and Skylynn!" She says and ends the call.

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