Chapter 5: The Departure

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Evie got a call from her boyfriend, Nolan, a few hours after the infant prince's arrival. He gave her an update on the line launching in a month, and then quickly hung up. She couldn't help but think that they were dating because it was convenient for the both of them. Sure, they went to great restaurants, and saw each other at work, but that was about it. They only ever talked about work, or about him and what was going on in his life. He has only kissed her twice in the four months of "dating" each other, but Evie kept telling herself that she was happy, that she could be happy with Nolan. 

When she got off the phone with him, Doug had noticed a change in her demeanor. Doug had seen this look a million times before, the look of "what if I'm wrong." He reached out and grabbed her hand, bringing her back into reality. 

"Hey, you okay?" he whispered. 

Evie nodded her head with a smile, "Yes, just tired I think. I'm going to head to the hotel to get some sleep if you don't mind?" She directed her question to Mal. 

"Of course, you guys go rest. I'll see you soon, E?" Mal replied. 

Evie leaned down to give her best friend a cuddle, kiss her godson on the head, and tell them that she would be back soon. She gathered her things quietly, trying not to disturb the sleeping king on the ugly blue couch. Doug said he was going to head out too, and that he would walk her to her car. Evie's heart fluttered at the idea of the two of them being alone again. 

"So," Evie began on the way to the parking garage. "How is everything going with your fiancé?" she asked quickly. 

Doug began to laugh, "Oh, they told you about that, did they? Well, I broke off the engagement a couple months ago. It just didn't feel right..." Doug tapered off, but finished the sentence in his head. 'She wasn't you, Evie.' 

"Umm, I'm sorry to hear that," Evie replied. It went silent between the two of them as they got onto the elevator.

"How is everything going with your boyfriend?" Doug said trying to break up the tension in the air. 

"It's going, okay I think. We are still working out the kinks." 

Doug's heart began to break. He thought from the last twenty-four hours from all the flirting, asking him to get coffee, and sitting with him while he held the baby, he thought that he may have a chance to win back the girl of his dreams. 'I feel like I am back in high school pining over this girl who will never be with me because she is love with someone else,' Doug thought to himself. 

"This is me," Evie said as she walked up to a black SUV. "Thank you for walking me to my car, Dougie." 

Doug laughed at the god awful nickname she had given him back in high school. "Anytime princess," shooting a nickname right back. 

Evie's heart was beating out of her chest. He was directly in front of her, an arms length away. She didn't realize until this very moment how much she had missed him. How much pain she had caused both of them. Doug took a step forward, testing the water. 

"What are you doing?" Evie whispered breathily, merely inches from his face. 

"Evie, I..." Doug started. 

They both leaned in, when Evie's phone started ringing. Evie and Doug sighed as she took her phone out of her back pocket. It was Nolan again. 

"I'm sorry, I've got to go. Thanks again for walking me to my car," Evie quickly got into her car, and answered the phone, leaving Doug completely and utterly confused. 

Doug walked slowly to his car, kicking himself for not kissing her when he had the chance, but also being even more angry for even thinking of kissing her when she was very much taken. 

'This is going to be long couple of weeks with her here,' he thought to himself as he hopped in his car. 'Let's just hope I can survive this.'

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