She was four years old when she created me. She gave me wings so that I can fly her to other worlds and away from the loneliness she felt. We would have tea parties under our table fort and play princesses in the garden. Through every day that passed, a small voice inside my head would grow louder. Whispering then shouting my biggest fear, that she was going to forget me and that I was going to disappear forever. After five years, I remained her faithful friend and best companion. I was worrying for nothing, and the voice stopped screaming to the point where it was barely a murmur. That's when everything started to change, she would seldom play with me or rather she wouldn't ask me to play with her. I was starting to fade, my colors were leaving and I was beginning to disappear. She was beginning to forget ne , she couldn't even remember my name. What is going to happen to me now? I'm breaking apart and she doesn't even care. U shouldn't cry, she is gong to live a long and happy life even though I am no longer there. We had years of fun and excitement but that is now in the past. I shouldn't care where I am going to go, she is happy with her life and that's all that is really important. After all, I'm just her imaginary friend.
Short Stories
Short StoryThese are some short stories that I write when I'm bored. They are from certain prompts that I find and I am the one that draws the small pictures for it.