The mythe

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Have you felt left alone? Was it unfair to break to you like that ? Now you felt it twice ?
Oh bet you enjoyed every bit of it.
I think u deserve explanations at least. Here's the thing.
• I'll give you a closer look at this, even a magnified one; I AM the worst. As much as you refuse to believe so. I enjoy to hear what you say, to read what you write and i listen carefully to the music you send me. It was such a pleasure for me to watch you discovering what i dont have words to put to it. It is life. Bigger than me. And you.
• But You thought you can violate mine just like that, and here comes my sorrow. Caus I will defeat you. You think I am unable to understand, nor to be honest. Doubting my words, when they come with truth, it irritated me for a moment, I had to call the shot. You fuckin STOP. NOW.
There's a very rare mythe, spoken by the invisible garden of truth.
There is an animal out there in the wild, no one has seen it yet. It only shows in the dark and it masters the game. He comes weak and bleeding. Trick his hunters and leads them to their final rest, where they find out, when it's already too late, that they were the targets in the first place. And that's the outcome.
Now I...
I need help. Caus I think I'm about to uncover myself. And it will get me into troubles; troubles I'm not afraid of anymore.
I need help, caus I think I'm about to kill, not out of hunger but it's pleasure.
I need help, caus I'm admitting that I have lost my damn mind.
I need help, caus I can not stay here any longer, what a rebellion like me is doing here? Hear me clearly? I'm enslaved, Please help me.
I need help, but you rather only see my shell. Stupid boy.
I beg you to help me.
Well I came undone, I did done horrible things. And that's the only way I can relate to the humans.
I need help, caus I have nowhere to turn to, and no more breath left to run

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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