II: Her Mind, Protective

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With Mr. Damiano's treachery behind us, a new day of troubles has befallen the Phantomhive household. Rats! And not just the of the rodent variety.

"Bloody hell..." Bardroy groans, head sticking into a compartment on the floorboards at a frayed wire, with his fellow maid and gardener flanking his sides. "This wire's done for!"

"Oh, not the rats again." MeyRin bemoans.

"This is getting ridiculous!" The blond chef pulls his head back out from the wiring underneath the house. "I mean I heard they've been plaguing London lately, but I never expected them to be such a problem this far out of the city."

As if hearing the call of its name, a small, grey rodent appears right in front of them, causing them to shriek and flinch away in fright.

Finny, however, is the first to act, grabbing a nearby marble bust and through the heavy thing like it was nothing at where the rat stood. "Now, I've got you rat!"

Though his intentions were good, he nearly hit Bard and MeyRin in the process and damaged the hallway floors.

In the end the whole mansion shakes and the rat escapes.

"Looks like it got away." The strawberry-blond gardener chuckles nervously.

"What are you laughing for!? Are you trying to kill us, you idjit?!" Bard snaps.

"Ho, ho, ho."


Meanwhile, within the manor's billiard's room, young Ciel is entertaining some very important guests. The Aristocrats of Evil, as I like to call them. I had seen them all together with Ciel's father, Vincent, when I was a girl. I didn't think much of what went on behind closed doors back then but I've since learned of the inner workings of the criminal Underworld.

 I didn't think much of what went on behind closed doors back then but I've since learned of the inner workings of the criminal Underworld

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"Look! There's another one!"

"Catch it!"

Even behind the closed door, the loud voices of the Phantomhive servants can still be heard, albeit faintly as they rush pass the room.

"Quite the commotion going on out there. It seems you are experiencing a rat problem as well." Sir Randall notes, stepping aside to let his opponent take his shot.

His opponent being member of the Italian Mafia, Azzurro Vanel. Azzurro has small eyes, a stubble on his chin, and shaggy, dark hair that he wears up in a ponytail. He has multiple piercings—one on his right ear, three on his left ear, and two on his left eyebrow—and a noticeable, large scar across his face. He dresses nicely, in a clean, white suit, although he leaves his purple, button-down shirt worn underneath partially unbuttoned and wears no tie.

 He dresses nicely, in a clean, white suit, although he leaves his purple, button-down shirt worn underneath partially unbuttoned and wears no tie

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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