Chapter 2 Assassin Mission and The bandit base

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3rd pov

Somewhere in the forest Kyle was then happy under his hood that he is part of the characters in the game and managed to save Byleth and Edelgard.

Kyle's mind: " Ohhh my god I did it I did it. I could hit the jackpot on getting Edelgard."

Edelgard: " So tell me Sir are you with me?"

Kyle: " Me will technically I granulated when I was 18 but maybe I would join your class and maybe help with your training."

Edelgard: " I see tell me your name?"

Kyle: " It's Kyle my future lord."

Edelgard: " Ok would you please stop saying that. Although I am the future empress of the Adrestian empire I just don't want to say that in public."

Kyle: " I see well I will promise that-"

Kyle then heard a noise from the west.

Kyle: " Sorry Edelgard but I think I should go."

Edelgard: " Why .... never mind but can I see your face."

Kyle: " Sorry but Later. "

Kyle ran while Edelgard was suspicious on him.

Edelgard: " What a weird man maybe it was I who made him uncomfortable."

Kyle was then running until he saw what looks like a memory fragment. He the. Touched it until he was sucked in. Kyle fell down until he looked at the tower. It was the tower from assassin's creed 2.

Kyle: " Wait why is Assassin's Creed in this game Wait is this a mission that I could unlock something. Huh maybe if I could."

Kyle was then climbing the tower. He then hold on the bricks and combed up. He climbed up until a brick fell and Kyle was holding it with one hand. He then grab another holding brick and began to climb up. Kyle got up to the tower and saw the wooden plank so he then went on it and began to looked all around. He then notice a Haystack so he then jumped down and landed on his back. A flash of light then hit his eyes and then he closed them. Kyle was now on a huge pile of leafs and he got up.

Kyle: " What is this? Is this a dream or is it real?"

Kyle hide until the leafs and heard voices. Kyle looked in the leafs to see two bandits walking and talking each other. Kyle then hides and walks to hear the bandits.

Bandit 1: " Hey have you heard. There are a bunch of guys with weird symbols  came to tell us about raiding the church."

Bandit 2: " Really I really loved too. Well let's head to base."

Kyle's mind: " Hmm that's not good well I guess I have to deal with the unknown knights and bandits."

Kyle then ran up to the trees and jump one by one until he notice a cave and bandits guarding it. Kyle then wear is hood and then got his air rifle out. He then uses his sleeping darts and fire it on the bandit. He was then tired an went to sleep.

Bandit 2: " Hey wake up we have to guard!!!"

A dart then hit on him and he was sleeping too. Kyle got down and kicked both them hard so they can't get up. Kyle then enter the cave and hide so some of the barrels that the bandits stole. Kyle then knock down a small barrel and the bandit then heard a noise so he walks to find out. Kyle then unsheathe his hidden blades and wait. He then saw one walking looking around until he whistle and he heard it. As the bandit got out his axe. Kyle waited until it was the right time. As the bandit came Kyle then stab while putting his left hand on his mouth to be quiet. As he put his body by the barrels. He then crouch down and walk slowly as he looked up he then notice soldiers that looks like they are from the church until he saw the symbols on them.

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