Chapter 2-Realization

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“Having fun?” My father asked settling down next to me. I really didn’t want to talk to him I used to think he was on my side but he’s been siding with my mother lately, something I won’t easily forgive him for.

“Why yes Papa, can’t you see? I’m having the time of my life.” I exclaimed sarcastically mimicking an over zealous child.

“Now young lady there is no need to take that tone with me.” He scolded sternly. From years working as a black smith he had developed strong arms and looked extremely menacing when he felt the need to.

“I’m sorry.” I sighed even though I really wasn’t.

“I know if it were up to you, you’d be in boy’s clothes frolicking in some open field somewhere with out a care or worry. I wish it could be like that Briar but it isn’t so please just accept that what your Mother and I do is what’s best for you.” He said massaging his temples in deep thought.

“Why? Why can’t it be up to me? It’s my life, I should be able to choose what I want to wear and where I want to go and what I want to do.” I griped.

“It’s just not the way life goes! If you want to survive and maybe even live life comfortably then you must follow the advice we give you even if it seems like the vilest thing in the planet. If people went around doing whatever they wanted whenever they wanted there would be no order and nothing would be accomplished, we all have a set of rules to abide by. If you are a man that means providing for your family and training your boys to work under your profession. If you are a woman…” He was about to end his speech but I interrupted.

“If I am a woman it means marrying a man and having plenty of little boys so they can slay dragons and hopefully marry and have more kids so the endless tragic cycle can continue. Oh and lets not forget cooking, cleaning, and laundering all those clothes. ” I grumbled.

“You make it sound terrible, that which is the very core of our existence. It is how we have always been and how we always will be. Men provide for and protect their families; women rear the children and care for house and home. It’s as simple as that and I don’t want to hear any more on the subject.” His temper flaring, I could never expect him to understand that I wanted to be more than a cook and a cleaning lady I wanted to go down in history for doing something brave and incredible. There were women who could be great in a dress and love taking care of the house, I admired those women but I knew that I wasn’t destined to be one. A long awkward silence stretched out between us and it occurred to me that this was the most I’d ever heard my father speak in one sitting. I longed to be a little girl again when the differences between man and woman didn’t matter, I miss the days when he threw me up in the air and caught me again it was the closest I had ever gotten to flying, to being truly happy. Maybe all along these were the days my father had been dreading, the days when I had my own thoughts and opinions.

“Papa…” I started with a childish vulnerability.

“The boar is ready!” Someone called, for everyone to get in line. First it was the elders and their families and the rest filed in after. My stomach growled as the smell of meat filled the air.

“Come now let’s get some food.” My father said extending his hand to help me up, though I could do so by myself.

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