it's not true

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tell me I've been lied to


     It was a quiet chuckle. A small breathy sound that came from his throat. Dismissive. Not to be taken seriously. His eyes never trailing up to acknowledge the comment. He didn't question it at all, until the realization that the other end of the call was deathly silent. His gaze calmly rising to his screen. They had stopped their respective streams over thirty minutes ago, choosing to just sit and chat for a bit before Wilbur was headed off to bed. The complete and utter silence from Schlatt's end was not necessarily uncommon, but Wilbur could taste the tension.

     "Is something wrong, Schlatt?"

     No answer. Wilbur was perplexed. He hadn't said anything out of line, had he? Not that he could think of. Schlatt remained silent for a few more seconds before a quiet sigh was heard over the static.


     Not persuasive in the slightest. Wilbur decided not to prod in case of recoil from his friend. Schlatt must have knew Wilbur was doubtful, quickly adding:

     "I"m alright dude, just a bit burnt out from streaming so often."

     A lie. Wilbur knew Schlatt and he was aware of his mannerisms. Schlatt was hiding something, and it was getting harder and harder for the Brit to stay quiet.


     "Isn't it late for you? You should probably go to bed."

     Schlatt interrupted. Wilbur recoiled, the venom in Schlatt's voice was palpable. Wilbur could hear him typing on his computer loudly.

     "I'm not that tired, I can stay up a bit and chat some more-"

     "Sorry Wilbur I have some things I need to do. I'll have to talk to you later. Goodnight."

     "Oh, Good-"

     Schlatt hung up in a rush.


     Wilbur hovered his hand over his mouse, absolutely perplexed. Schlatt seemed upset with him. But why? He was tempted to message Schlatt a goodnight when he noticed Schlatt's status quickly change to "do not disturb"

     This was an oddity Wilbur could not define. He has seen Schlatt act stand-offish in the past, but this level of avoidance was just confusing. Wilbur didn't know what to make of it. He tried to replay their previous conversation. The stream had gone by pretty well, he had thought. They both had really great chemistry together and Schlatt had seemed rather quirky tonight. Had it been a facade?

     Wilbur leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his curly hair. After the stream had ended there hadn't been a huge shift in energy between them, not until around the end of the call. Wilbur tried to replay their conversation in his head.


     "I still cannot believe you pushed me off of that mountain, Wilbur."

     The Brit giggled, reminded of their little "spat" on stream.

     "It had to be done, Schlatt! You were the weak link"

     An offended sounding scoff was heard from the other side of the call.

     "Weak link?! You were the one that forgot to make pickaxes for us!"

     "Well at least I didn't lose the diamonds in lava!!"

     Both boys shared a laugh at the memory, and Schlatt sighed loud and happy into his microphone. Wilbur had picked up his phone to scroll through notifications he received during the stream that he couldn't get to.

     "I have to admit Soot, the house you made was pretty cozy."

     Wilbur snickered.

     "Yeah, until you put a lava bucket on it!"

     "That's what made it cozy!!"

     Schlatt bellowed with emotion. Wilbur threw his head back and laughed big and loud. From across the world Schlatt smiled soft and warm at the sound that reached his ears. He bit his lip and looked down at his twiddling fingers. Before he could stop himself he had blurted out

     "Wilbur, I'm in love with you."

     Silence. It began to register in Schlatt's head what he had just said a loud. His eyes widened and he put a hand to his mouth. His brain a chorus of loud FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK's. That wasn't supposed to have been said. That shouldn't have been said. Why did he say that. Why did he-

     And then the sound that came from Wilbur. The short chuckle, the audible roll of his eyes. The small exhale of air that only meant "I don't believe you"

     The swirling feeling in Schlatt's stomach made his vision falter. The crushing feeling of his organs compressing. The loud snap of his heart. The harsh truth that Schlatt knew deep down in his heart had punched him right in the gut and left him laying on the ground curled up in a ball and left to rot.

     Of course Schlatt knew Wilbur didn't like him. Of course he did. But the confirmation on that still struck him. He couldn't stay there. He couldn't open his eyes. When had they been shut? The hand that was over his mouth had begun to shake violently. His eyes flew open vision went white. An attack. He was having an attack. He couldn't let Wilbur know. He had to leave, he had to get out of there before Wilbur knew something was wrong, he had to-

     "Is something wrong Schlatt?"

     Schlatt swallowed the lump forming in his throat and shakily removed his hand from his mouth. He could feel the tears beginning to prick at the corners of his eyes. He had to escape. If Wilbur knew that Schlatt was on the verge of a panic attack because his crush wasn't reciprocated, he would literally never be able to speak to the Brit again.


     Schlatt finally breathed out, regaining control over his emotions enough to be able to speak without faltering. He needed to get out of this call, so he made up and excuse about needing to get some work done and left without letting Wilbur finish his goodnight. The minute the call ended, the tears spilled and the dam was broken. He switched his status to "do not disturb" and shut his monitor off. Pushing himself off of his chair, Schlatt then slinked over to his bed and stiffly climbed in. The room was dark, and the only sounds heard were the small sobs and hiccups that came from the lump in Schlatt's bed.


     At that point it had clicked in Wilbur's brain, but he had refused to believe it. He tried to message Schlatt, tried to get a response from the other man but knew that it wouldn't go through. He became erratic, direct messaging him on other social media and calling his phone number, only for it to go straight to voice mail. Wilbur dropped his phone to his lap in defeat. It wasn't fair. Wilbur raked a hand through his hair violently and looked up to the ceiling to avoid becoming overwhelmed. He sent one last message to Schlatt before closing his discord and slinking off to bed.

Are you alright?

Schlatt, if you ever wanna talk to me you know you can, ok?
1:24 am

Wait no


1:30 am


Please, tell me that you've lied.

You don't.

Please don't.
1:56 am

I'm so fucking sorry
2:16 am

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