romance will soon be ours (2)

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Lots of people wanted a second part! So here it is! just a slight tw this chapter has brief mentions of having a panic attack. Stay safe everyone!

Again, All of Goop lives together
Character design based on their personas



It had only been about 30 minutes since the boys had sat down to eat. Schlatt and Wilbur were mostly left alone aside from the pestering of Cooper, saying how gay they were. Schlatt was starting to become more relaxed, eating more food and even laughing. They had all just come down from a laugh attack that started because Charlie dropped an entire plate of mashed potatoes into his lap. Carson was less amused, lamenting in the lost potatoes. Schlatt was leaning on Wilbur's shoulder for support and the Brit was still giggling quietly. From across the table Cooper smiled and sighed at the two.

"I'm really glad you two sucked it up and got together."

Wilbur looked up and grinned, carding his hand through Schlatt's hair in adoration.

"Me too."

"I mean it. It was really depressing seeing Schlatt, absolutely whipped for you, not make a single move out of fear that you wouldn't like him back."

Schlatt went stiff. What was Cooper saying. Oh no. Wilbur was gonna find out-

"Haha yeah Cooper it's real nice, does anyone want any more food??"

Carson asked suddenly and a bit anxiously.


Wilbur quietly interjected as he continued to stare off at Cooper. Schlatt began to shake as he lifted himself off of Wilbur's shoulder shot a look at Carson. He didn't tell them it was all a joke. He didn't tell them that it was fake. And Wilbur was about to find out Schlatt's true feelings.

"Well I mean, when Schlatt told us about his massive crush on you we were all rooting for him! I'm just saying I'm glad you're taking care of him. As much as I hate saying it, I love this little goat man."

Cooper said and shoveled a spoonful of corn into his mouth. Everyone was oblivious of the tense air that hung around the room. Everyone except Schlatt, Wilbur, and Carson. Who looked at Schlatt pleadingly. The smaller male was closing in on himself and Wilbur could hear his shuddering breaths. Schlatt... He liked Wilbur? Like, liked him liked him? Like for real? He was in such a state of shock that he couldn't hear Ted asking in Schlatt was okay. He couldn't hear the goat violently standing up, knocking over his chair, and running outside. He couldn't hear Carson calling after him, sounding guilty as fuck.

"What just happened?"

Charlie asked, sounding small. Carson quietly cursed and got up to go after Schlatt.


Wilbur called out to Carson, who whipped around, obviously in distress.

"I'll go get him."

"Fuck. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it Carson."

Wilbur placed a hand on the blond's shoulder and rubbed it soothingly. Carson simply cursed and rubbed his eyes furiously. Wilbur removed himself and bolted after Schlatt.

It was colder than usual outside, but Schlatt could feel nothing but hot shame as he sprinted out the front door, slamming it shut and clutching a pole that was securing the roof to the porch. His knees buckled and he slid down to the floor, weaping quietly. He could feel his fingers going numb, but from the cold or the way he was gripping the pole he could not tell. Schlatt's breaths were shallow and quick, and with every exhale he whimpered pathetically.

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