Chapter 11: King

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*Y/n POV*

It's been a few days since my coronation, and I'd like to say I kept my promise. Things have most certainly changed in the kingdom, that's for sure.

I reworked trade deals with a few non-Regulan empires and I got familiar with some of the dukes and duchesses that lead the other parts of the Regulan Union.  Specifically the Duchess of Elfrau, the northern-most part of the Regulus Union.

Natasha, as she liked to be called, was the daughter of the former king of Elfrau. When the Great War began, she joined forces with my father and overthrew her father. After that, she joined the union and became duchess, and what's that is that.

Other than that, I was worried. The King of Lihnia was becoming a major problem.

He ruled over a large number of colonies, producing pretty much everything we could not here in the union. That made it so that I didn't want to lose him as an ally and trade treaty. The main problem was that I couldn't stand to be around him, and he refused to re-negotiate.

"Why should we re-negotiate terms that are perfect already?" He had said, "One thing you'll learn is that there are times when you shouldn't re-negotiate."

The terms were far from perfect. They subjected us to unfair prices that were nearly triple the cost of production. They also refused us the right to do business with certain other countries, specifically Frankia and the Hellenic Isles.

"Oh Zeal," I said, rubbing my face with my hand, "What the hell do I do with this guy?"

"Well, you could always just cut trade," De'volt's voice came from the door, "He needs us a lot more than we need him."

"Oh, Captain," I turned to the door, "What is it? Is something going on?"

"Well," He said, scratching the back of his head, "Come see. It's important."

He turned and I followed him out the room and into the stairwell, heading downstairs towards the Throne Room.

"So, what is it that's so important?" I asked, "Is it that one of the guests had too much to drink?"

"Not quite," He said, "It's... connected to your father."


De'volt and I walked into the Throne Room, seeing the guards huddled in a large circle around... something. De'volt stepped back, and I tapped the shoulder of nearest member of the royal guard I could find.

"Your highness!"

"What's happening, Colonel?"

"I'm not entirely sure, sir," He replied, "But, he wants to talk to you."

"He?" I asked, "Who's he?"

"That would be me."

I turned to the gruff, deep voice, and saw a large white tiger staring at me, his claws and fangs sharp as the Royal Guard's best blades.

I turned to the gruff, deep voice, and saw a large white tiger staring at me, his claws and fangs sharp as the Royal Guard's best blades

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He was easily 8 feet from tip of tail to snout, and stood at least 7 feet tall. His paws were as large as my face and had claws of at least 5 inches. His fangs protruded from his mouth, and each was 4 inches with a sharp point at the end.

"I am Kohaku, the White Tiger Who Stands At The Side Of the King Of Regulus," It roared, it's voice sending visible shivers down my men's spines, "Who are you?"

I steeled my nerves and faced the beast, straightening my posture and flexing my chest.

"I am King Y/n L/n," I answered, "The King of the Regulus Unio-"

"AHAHAHA!" It laughed, "You? A king? You are not worthy to stand in the shadow of you predecessor."

"What gives you the right to decide that?"

"Huh?" It growled, "What did you just say?"

"What gives you the right to decide if I'm right to be king?" I repeated, "If the people of this kingdom recognize me as their king, who are you to over turn their decision?"

"You dare talk down to me, mortal!" It yelled, "I have lived longer than most of the creatures in this world! I hold infinite knowledge and power! I am the Great White Tiger, who stands at the right hand of the King!"

I reached up and wiped the spit from my face, as he stood mere feet away from me. His back was arched, as if he was prepared to pounce and attack at any second.

"Let's settle this," He growled, "If you can beat me in a fight, I'll recognize you as the proper king."

"And if I can't?"

"I'll allow you to die with dignity."

"I accept."

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