Rayne and Hannah

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Mother Sappho looked upon her children with a mixture of great displeasure in their cluelessness and an even greater amusement in it, for she had come to accept that nearly all lesbians were destined to be like this and so she just learned to appreciate it as entertainment.

The particular couple in question was Rayne Dean and Hannah Cobar, two sapphic Freshman, utterly oblivious to each other's sexualities and secret crushes on each other. Rayne was the more, uhh, dyke lesbian, and Hannah was sorta like a VSCO girl, but like, a lesbian VSCO girl.

Rayne was forced to live on her own after her parents kicked her out for her sexuality. Fortunately, she was able to buy a small town house with the money she got from her grandmothers will (which totaled near one million dollars; her grandmother was a very wealthy woman). She always stayed up at night thinking about what her family has been doing since she'd been gone. Were the twins okay? Has Jack finally figured out how to make a sandwich? Did Logan get his driver's license? She wanted nothing more then to see her siblings, or at the least, hear their voices.

Now Hannah on the other hand, was an only child, and lived with her parents. Her parents were fully supportive of her, and honestly didn't care what she identifies as as long as she's happy. Oh, and did I mention, they're rich? Yeah, she lives in a small mansion (we're aware of the oxymoron), and had a personal chief. She was extremely popular and fit in with the crowd notably well. She wasn't normally found with the emos, or goths, or mock edgy kids, but she couldn't neglect her longest-lasting friend, Rayne. She and Ray-Ray had been friends since the 4th grade, and they were inseparable. Rayne wasn't one for popular girls, just as Hannah didn't care much for most misfits, but she'll stay by Hannah's side no matter what.

In other words, they da bigggg gæ for each other but too clueless to see it. Also, Rayne kinda liked to masturbate but that's not important. Onward worm.


Obviously, TheGreatNotJesus was here as editor. If you're not following him, you're missing out on the (kinda depressed) glory of Wattpad Gaylord, Daddy Chirp Chirp. Never a dull moment when you're either crying or laughing your ass off with that homo crack writer with actual writing talent but chooses to just make bad puns instead.

-Phowo the Gay Birb Man Thing

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