I'm Lovin' It

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You sipped a coffee, following Alfred around the store, monitoring him, making certain he was spending his money right. Just as Arthur had explained, the boy was capable of making heavily impulsive purchases.

"(Y/N)!", he called out, running towards you, "Look at this sick ass Nerf gun!"

"Alfred put that back! You can't control yourself when it comes to Amazon so much less a goddamn WalMart!"

He sighed and sat it on the nearest shelf.

"Where it came from Alfred."

"Alright mom.", he groaned, taking the Nerf gun back to its original shelf.

Most would describe hanging out with Alfred to be very draining or quite the chore, but it was wonderful to you. You enjoyed getting to basically parent the irresponsible but still trying his best 19 year old. Yes, he did have his issues, but in the end, he always proved to be a very boisterous and caring young man.

"I'm done (Y/N)! Oh, and I saw this book you might like!"

He held a book out to you, grinning from ear to ear. God you loved his blessed ass. You took the book from him, reading the back and then gingerly skimming the pages.

"I'll definitely read this. Thanks kiddo."

As the day went on, the both of you having finished your errands, you realized you nor Alfred had gone out to eat at all that day. This was fairly good in a sense. You didn't have to either order for him or have him crawling all over you from the passenger's seat to yell out a meal with all of the components coming in their largest sizes.

Pulling out of the parking lot of the bank, you both began discussing a variety of things, generally ending in Alfred making you laugh and vice versa, just how you liked it. You didn't think it could possibly get any better with him. It was companionship like you had ever had before.

The conversation was suddenly ended when the boy beside you noticed the buildings you were passing. He started to shout, which caught you by surprise, almost making you jerk the wheel entirely.

"(Y/N), MCDONALD'S!", he cried.

You cringed and started to groan.



"But (Y/N) please!"

You stayed quiet for the moment. Glancing to your side, you saw him, frowning, playing with his hands. You had to admit, it made you feel bad, but it was what Arthur explained you'd have to do if he got like that.

"(Y/N)... There's a secret I wanna tell you."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah... But only if you take me to McDonald's and let me get a Big Mac, 20 piece McNugget, a large fry, and a Sprite.."

You sighed loudly. He knew how much you loved for tea to be spilled. But you knew this secret had to be good. Alfred wouldn't ever lie to you.

"Alright.", you said, turning into the McDonald's parking lot.

He cheered a little, but it seemed to be pretty reserved. Now that you had actually gone through with going to McDonald's, which he didn't think you would, he was now nervous. He didn't think he'd get it out today. Or anytime that year either.

Stepping out of the car, he followed you, walking slower than usual. A secret he was so paranoid about was going to unravel in the middle of a McDonald's. Now he didn't feel like he actually wanted the McDonald's that bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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