Return to Mt. Olympus.

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Bella/Astraea P.O.V:

You know, when I decided to live as a mortal to go to high-school, which was a horrible idea by the way, being dumped in a forrest was not exactly what I had in mind. I mean, I know teenagers nowadays break up through text or call or voice mail, but taking me into the forrest, breaking up with me, and then leaving me sobbing on the forrest floor is a completely different type of screwed up.

Had I actually been a mortal, I would have probably gone into shock, or developed hypothermia, due to the fact that I was only wearing a thin blazer and the forrest is like 14 degrees at night.  For one of the most "intelligent" creatures in the world, that boy was a complete and utter imbecile.

Of course, selfishness and self importance is to be expected of a cold one. They're, without a doubt, the most vain and selfish creatures on the planet; and c'mon, I know Aphrodite. I know I should have high-tailed it out of Forks as soon as I saw them, but the creep, Edward, was stalking me, and I have no doubt he wold have followed me to the underworld and back. And maybe it had something to do with the fact that I hadn't seen Mary Alice or Jasper since the 50's, and wanted to catch up with them, which let me tell you, did not happen. 

Oh well, the past is the past. Edward can hope he never runs into me again, or I will be kicking his sparkly arse straight to the underworld.

All I actually need right now, is a bath and some alone time with my husband.

With that thought in mind, I decided it was time to head home.

Edward P.O.V:

Its been a week since I left my precious and fragile Bella sobbing on a cold forrest floor. This week has been long and torturous, especially since most of my family is ignoring me. Rosalie, I understand, Emmet does what Rosalie does, Esme is grieving over her "child", and Alice lost her best friend. Jasper is the only one I don't understand. I mean, he almost killed her for crying out loud, he's to blame for all of this.

But really, they should all be comforting me, I'm the one who lost Il mio cantante di sangue, who will move on and get married as she's supposed to. I am the true victim here, as I will be forced to spend all of eternity without my cantante di sangue.

Even as I tried to block out the world, I could tell something was amiss as a golden light surrounded me.

This light became increasingly bright, and when it got to the point of nearly blinding me, I did something I hadn't done in nearly 100 years.

I blacked out.

Astraea P.O.V:

The first thing I realised as I opened my eyes was that my godly travel abilities had not gotten any better during my time as a mortal. I mean, I wanted to be in my house up on Olympus, not an alleyway next to the Empire state building.  Oh well, maybe I should have asked Hermes to pick me up, but he's always so busy.

Making my way out of the alley way, I could feel the mist start to change my features into my normal, more-attractive-than-average godly features. I got a few weird looks from the mortals that had noticed the change, but otherwise, the rest of the mortals remained as clueless as ever.

As I walked up to the security guard at the front desk,I waited for him to look up. When he didn't, I cleared my throat, startling him to point where he almost fell out of his chair. He looked up at me, clearly annoyed, and he looked as thought he might have started berating me had he not recognised me.

I watched him gulp in fear, and smiling sweetly, I held out my hand, signifying that I wanted the keycard up to the 600th floor. Fumbling around his desk like an idiot, we really need to get better security guards, he handed me a golden keycard with shaking hands.

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