Explanations and Heart Breaks

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~Part 2 ~
There will be three parts.
Warnings: Cussing
Words: 1k+

Okay, so a smart thing to have done would've been to, I don't know, have an idea of what I was going to say to the Cullens. Did I actually prepare anything? No. Like the absolute imbecile I am, I completely forgot to prepare myself for the "explanation" I was supposed to give them. To be completely honest, I'd forgotten about the Cullens being on Olympus until this morning, when Artemis-who had joined me for breakfast-asked me if I was prepared (she then proceeded to look at me like an idiot when I asked her, and I quote, "Prepared for what?").

Now I was going to have to pull a summary of thousands of years of mythology straight out of my arse, and I had to include the past year or so. Maybe brother Zeus would let me kill Edward, then I could wipe the memories of the remaining Cullens, and keep Alice and Jasper here with us.

Grumbling, I walked out of my comfortable bedroom-which I did not want to leave, thank you very much. I stalked down the hallway, down the stairs, and into the open courtyard. My house, like most of Olympus, was an Ancient Greek style house; although the inside had been modernised through the centuries.

I made my way through the courtyard, where the nymphs were going about their daily chores. I politely said good morning to them, so as to not appear rude, but I hoped they wouldn't want me to stop and have a chat; I was just to pissed for a chat. Luckily, it seemed that they sensed my bad mood, and they just bowed and continued on with their previous activities-something I would be eternally grateful for.

I stalked down the bridge that led to the throne. It was a long walk, and I allowed my thoughts to consume me.  I didn't expect to be so angry to be honest. I mean, the Cullens were just mortals, albeit they were immortal-if that made any fucking sense. All I had to do was go up to them-preferably staying at a five feet distance from Edward at all times-look them in the eyes, and say, "I'm actually an Ancient deity, married, never going back to Forks, and I was never actually interested in Edward. Sorry not sorry."

Yeah... It sounded a lot easier than it actually was.

This anger was all consuming, and that just pissed me off even more, because some mortals shouldn't have this effect on me. All I wanted was to make the Cullens leave so I could spend some time with my husband, my children, and my extended family.

For everyone who's going like, "But Bella, you love Edward! You just can't see it yet!", I do not love Edward. I mean, who would? He's a misogynistic asshole who can't accept the fact that it's no longer 1917.

All that shit aside, what was making me so angry wasn't the Cullens, or the explanation my idiotic brother was making me give. It was that Apollo, my dearest husband, didn't come home yesterday. He had a meeting with the other sun deity's, and, although he promised me he would come home for at least an hour, he never actually came home.

This meant either one of two things: he was cheating on me (again), or the meeting had ended so late he hadn't had the time to come home before he had to attend to his duties. The latter would piss me off a little less, but it would still piss me off (he shouldn't make promises he can't keep).

Looking up, I noticed I'd reached the end of the bridge. Mentally preparing myself, and by that I mean trying to calm myself down so as to not smite the asshole the moment I walked through those doors.

Throwing the doors to the throne room open, I wasn't surprised that everyone else was here, as I took the long route and they magicked themselves here. Everyone-except Apollo and my two present brothers (they had learned after the last time)-was giving me the stink eye, probably because I slammed the door on my way in. Apollo wasn't giving me the stink eye because he was looking a me apologetically. I didn't dignify him with a response; I just turned my nose up, sneering at him.

Completely ignoring my family-which was never a good idea, but oh well-I turned to face the Cullens.

The Withlock's (Alice and Jasper. I refused to call them Hale's or Cullen's) weren't present. Given the fact that Aphrodite and Dionysus weren't either, I could guess where they all were.

The Cullens (Carlisle, Esme, Emmet, Rosalie, and Edward) were all standing in the middle of the throne room. Most of them looked some variation of nervous, but Edward just looked smug. You can imagine how much angrier that made me.

It wasn't just the look on his face (which was so fucking smug it pissed me off), it was his whole demeanour. He stood as though he owned the place (never a good idea in front of the master of the house), his eyes were those of a predator, and his smirk exuded arrogance.

I could tell he was pissing my family off, as well as his family. We all knew that one wrong move on his part could get them all killed, but he didn't seem to give a damn.

Reminding myself that I could not yet smite him, I cooled my temper as much as I could.

Smiting him would do my reputation no good, and Hera had already threatened probation for the next century.

Clearing my throat made everyone in the room look at me. Once I was sure I had everyone's attention, I asked, "Where are Jasper and Alice?" I knew the answer of course, I just wanted to make sure.

It was Poseidon who spoke, "Surely you know where they are sister? You have noticed Aphrodite's and Dionysus' absence today. Or has living in the mortal world rendered you incapable of all rational thought?" He had a smirk on his face, and I forced my own smile.

It wasn't a nice smile. It was my 'I'm going to fucking make you regret that' smile. It usually meant bloodshed, or a world-dooming prophesy.

"Of course I noticed their absence's. What I wish to know is if they are all together, or if they're each with their respective children." I directed the last part at Zeus, hoping he would bless me with an actual fucking answer.

"Aphrodite is with Jasper, and Alice is with Dionysus. Is that a sufficient answer sister?" At my nod, he turned to the Cullens-more specifically Edward-and said, "Tell me, Mr. Masen," even Edward looked surprised at the use of his "mortal" name, "why did you leave my sister crying in the middle of the forest?"

Here, Zeus paused to stare Edward down. When Edward opened his mouth, I braced myself for the worst; but nothing could prepare me for the bullshit that came out of his mouth, "I did it to protect her."

The silence that descended among the room was deafening. I mean, even Carlisle turned to look at Edward as though wondering if he had actually said that.

Artemis was looking at me as though saying 'Is this really the mortal you chose for your rendezvous?' I could only shrug back.

I couldn't help but laugh. I wanted to open my mouth to tell him how much bullshit was in that statement, but one look at Apollo told me that a) the 'bullshit' statement would not be necessary, and b) Edward would not leave this room alive. He cleared his throat and spoke,  his voice shaking with anger, "Had she been mortal she could have died, most likely due to pneumonia or some wild animal."

Edward opened his mouth, probably to defend himself, but Rosalie gave him a swift punch to the ribs and shook her head. Smart girl.

Realising that time was of the essence, not even Chronous would be able to give it back to us,  I decided to do what I was supposed to do at the start of this counsel; I would give Edward an explanation and his punishment.
A/N: 🙈 This took so long to write! I'm so sorry.

I was going to write the explanation, but then I was like: 'Nah, lets torture them some more'.

Anyway's, I really hope the wait was worth it! As always, constructive criticism is welcome.

Love ya'll, Ms_Melody_Mikaelson

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