a space pod/ a saiyan baby

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A peaceful night and a house far from a city was at peaceful inside the house a man and a woman where eating dinner.

???: (eating) so good more.

???: eat with your my close or you will choke.

???: sorry but your cooking is so good Chi-Chi.

Chi-Chi: oh thank you Goku.

Outside they heard something crash.

Chi-Chi:(scared) w-what was t-that.

Goku: I don't know come on let's go find it.

They walk out of the house and saw something smoking.

Chi-Chi: Goku what is that.

Goku: I don't know.

He pick up Chi-Chi and fly to the smoke.

He land it.

Chi-Chi: what is that.

They walk up to see a space pod.

Goku: I-Is a pod.

The pod open to see a white haired baby with a tail.

Goku: its a baby w-with a tail.

The baby was start to cry

Chi-Chi picked up the baby.

Chi-Chi: shh there there its okay.

The baby stop crying.

Chi-Chi: see he stop crying.

Goku: what should we call him.

Chi-Chi: what about.......Lincoln.

Goku: Lincoln not a bad name.

Chi-Chi: we need to call Bulma and see what is he.

The next day Goku and Chi-Chi: took Lincoln to Bulma house.

Bulma: oh why hi guys what brings you here.

Chi-Chi: will Bulma we found this baby and he has a tail and he came in a space pod.

Bulma: did you say a space pod.

Chi-Chi: hay.

Bulma: will the baby's an alien.

Chi-Chi: great another sayian just what I needed.

Goku: so if he's a sayian that means there's more sayian just like him.

Chi-Chi: who every there are there not taking him away from us.

Goku: right Chi-Chi.

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