SoFISHticated Feelings

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Narrator's POV

"I came as soon as I could." Tony raced into the bathroom. "What's-" He stopped once he laid eyes on the bathtub.

Stephen was sitting in it, but it wasn't the Stephen he knew.

This Stephen was

"-wrong?" Tony finished. He stared, letting it sink in. "Holy shit!" He bursted out laughing.

"You make a single fish pun, and I will kill you where I sit." Stephen said.

"So, how exactly did you end up in the bathtub?" Tony asked.

"Don't ask." Stephen sighed.

Tony turned his back to him. "Well, I suppose you don't really need my help. You're a sorcerer after all..." He bluffed.

Stephen rolled his eyes, sighing. "Fine." He said.

Tony turned back to him. "So how did you even do this?"

"It's technically a curse from an underwater dimension." Stephen said. "I stole an ancient pearl from them, and upset the queen?" He explained. "I don't understand. I didn't take a single fucking pearl. The only thing I took was that egg-" He sighed. "-and never mind."

Tony gasped. "We ate it?!"

"Could you be a little quieter? You're hurting my ears." Stephen said.

"Oh, sorry." Tony apologized.

"Anyway, this form restricts magic. It took the last of my energy to portal back here." Stephen said.

"Well, then why did you call me here? Aside from the obvious. I'm not exactly equipped to deal with magic mumbo jumbo." Tony said.

"The cloak's bring a total asshole, and without it I can't get anywhere."

"Mhm." Tony nodded.

"You see, I kinda don't have legs at the moment, and I need someone to carry me to the library to fix this." Stephen said.

"I see." Tony said.

Stephen looked at him.

Tony looked at him.

Stephen looked at him.

Tony looked at him.

"So..." Stephen looked at him.

"You need someone to carry you." Tony said.

"Yup." Stephen nodded.

Tony looked at him.

Stephen looked at him.

Tony looked at him.

Stephen looked at him.

Tony looked at him.

"Mhm." Stephen cleared his throat.

"Oh. You want me to carry you." Tony said.

"I thought I made that pretty clear." Stephen said.

"Okay..." Tony came closer. "Let's see. How're we gonna do this?" He began to try places to put his hands. "Uh..." He tried to be careful with Stephen's tail.

Stephen sat there awkwardly as Tony tried different spots to take ahold of him.

"Eww, it's so slimy."

"It's not slime." Stephen said. "It's mucus."

"That doesn't make it any better." Tony said.

"Okay, will you hurry up?" Stephen said.

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