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Mohammad POV

What ever made me said that? I have been having a sleepless night, her sad face keeps popping in my sleep, she looked so hurt when i said all that and to top it off, Noor won't even talk to me.... She refused to say anything and her teachers are starting to worry, i know she is at the shahid house, i cant go there to apologize and have her talk to noor, Abdul will practically rip my head off..
"You OK?" Scott asked walking into my office..
"Yeah, what do you want?" I asked and he sat down..
"Well, i need you to sign this" he said giving me a file i just noticed he was holding.
"What is this about?" I asked..
"The last partnership" he said and i read through it, same old boring stuff, so i signed and hand him back the document..
"Still receiving the silent treatment?" He asked..
"It got worst, she won't say anything at school" i told him and he frown...
"Why not go apologize to her" he said..
"She is abdulmutalib shahid cousin"i stated and he shrugged..
"So what?" He asked and i gave him a pointed look...
"I made his life a living hell" i said again and he sighed....
"Dude, we make mistakes and if you don't apologize,i believe this will be the greatest mistake of your life" he said ....i know am already regretting ever saying those words to her......
"Uhm, will you nay be come with me?" I asked and he shrugged..
"Lunch break is in 10" he said getting up..
"Thanks man"i replied.......
Here we are in front of the shahid house ...
"Are you coming down?" Scott asked and i sigh, we stepped out and walk to the front door... I ringed the bell and a very pregnant woman open the door, i think she is abdul mom, she glared at me and i wish i didn't ring that bell...
"What?!" She snapped almost bringing my eardrums to doom...
"I told you to stop yelling love" an almost look alike of Abdul showed up behind her and she glared at him, he gave her a pointed look..
"Whatever, i don't want him in my house" she said pointing at me..
"Its my house too, and......" He stopped when she gave a very sad face...
"Anything for you dear" he smiled and stepped out, she narrowed her eyes at us before walking into the house..
"mood swings" he tried to explain,and i wonder if he remember me and i think be read my expression...
"I know you, so what do you want this time?" He asked looking at Scott...
"uhm, i, the thing is....." Scott cut me off..
"He is here to apologize" scott said and he frown...
"That's like 3 years ago" he replied with a tight lip...
"Not about that, am still sorry about that but ilham" and his nice face was gone, he take a threaten step forward and i step back...
"If you have done anything to her, i won't forgive this easily" he said and i swallowed...
"Not really, i just said mean things and i want to apologize,my daughter won't even talk to me"i said desperately and he frown, before he could say anything, the door open and ilham stepped out and Scott just have to be Scott and whistled before mumbling a low sorry to both of our glares...
"I will take it from here uncle" she said smiling at him..
"Are you sure?" He asked and she nod, he gave me a look and i nod in assurance to him.... We stayed quiet for a bit...
"Am Scott, this douche friend" he said extending his hand for a handshake i was going to tell him no but she took his hand and shake it with a smile..
"Ilham and no, you can't call me ham for short" she said jokingly and he laughed...
"Damn it, it would have been a nice name" scott said and they laughed..
"Have anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" Scott asked and she blushed...
"Awww, and cute too" she blushed deeper and i don't know why i was angry...
"We are going off point" i said and they turn to me...
"You didn't make any point yet" she sassed and i roll my eyes...
"OK am sorry, what ever i said back then was uncalled for, i was just trying to keep you away" i rushed out and she frown...
"What you said hurts" she stated crossing her arms..
"And you just showing here to apologize is not going to make me forget your words" she replied, any girl will be all over me right now but i established she is not any girl...
"let me make it up to you"i said...
"does that work on everyone you said that to?" She asked and i was feeling irritated..
"I am trying to apologize here"i said not meaning to be rude...
"Then sound like it" she snapped back and scott just have to chuckle...
"This so like settling a break up" he said amused...
"Why don't you get a popcorn to enjoy the show" i said and he looked like i just gave him a million dollar idea...
"Look, i was doing something inside, can you go" she said rudely and i was going to pull my last card i hope she agrees....
"Please, am loosing my daughter"i sounded desperate and she looked worried....
"What happened to snow white?" She asked..
"After that day, she haven't say anything to me and her teachers are getting worried"i said and she frown..
"What kind of a father are you, its been a week and you just think its OK to let her keep to herself after you know what she did once!?" She practically yelled angrily at me......
"i didn't want......" She cut me off...
"You don't want to bruise you ego by apologising to me" she snapped..
"She is right" Scott added and i glared at him, he was supposed to be on my side...
"I know am right" she said smiling at him, she didn't smile at me for once and i am bothered because?
"OK, am going to go change and you will go with me and pull her out of school for today, then go your way while we go to ours" she said giving me a dare to object look and i nod... She walked in and scott was laughing like he was on crack so i punched his arm...
"Boy are you so gone" he said and i eyed him
"Trust me i have never seen any girl talk to you that way and you are all OK with it" he added...
"Shut up man" i said and he shrugged and Abdul walked out of the house, he saw me and he looked tensed.....
"What are you doing here?" He asked looking from me to Scott and i noticed his hand didn't leave the door knob, i really wish this was different, i mean, when Nina took noor, i was devastated and when i received a call that someone was spotted with my daughter i just lost it...
"Hey cousin" ilham walked out looking as beautiful as she always was..... Hold on, as what now?
"What is he doing here?" He asked her...
"Long story but i will be at the boutique" she told him and she walk towards us but he pull her back...
"Don't go with him" he said looking at her pleadingly...
"I wont hurt her" i said
"I didn't fucking ask you that!" He snapped his grip on her arm tighten and she groan...
"My arm" he let go quickly...
"Am sorry" he said and she grin before hugging him...
"Will you come with me then to protect me?" She asked and he looked at us then back at her and nod...
"OK" he said and she grin...
"Perfect" she said walking past us ignoring the tension...
"Why did you come here?" He asked and i ignored him, i think that did it for him and he grab my collar...
"What do you want with her?" He yelled in my face and Scott tried to get him off me, i didn't, i deserve what he was doing to do...
"Abdul!" Ilham screeched.....
"I told you to stay away from her" he said ignoring her......
"Stop it! Right now" she yelled...
"Do you know what he is capable of? I know, i had nightmares he paid those cops to rough me up, i didn't even do anything!He yelled he let me go and then i really realise i have hurt him way more than i thought..
"Hey" she said and he looked up at her...
"He is selfish and will do anything to get what he wants, do you understand?" He asked his eyes flicked to me and then back to her with a desperate look of her to understand...
"You are alright" she whispered to him...
"I just don't want him to hurt you" he said quietly and she smiled...
"I am not going for him, am going for his daughter, she is hurting too ,  i just need to be with her that's all so, be nice this once i wont ask you to, ever again" she said
" OK" he said quietly...
"But you are going in my car" he said quickly...
"So be it" she said and turn to me, i was expecting to see anger but she just raised her brow at me...
"Lead the way", she said.......

Mrs. Moha: All He Needs And More ✅☑✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now