Chapter 9

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I was in the kitchen, looking for a snack as Hunter had left to buy us food from some fast food place, so I was left alone! Yay... I've been nervous, but I know I am being paranoid when I feel like I am being watched. I am on the, uh, the-the... "The thirteenth floor" I whisper looking outside the floor to ceiling windows, none of the buildings were this height but, they were close and oh my god it's so high up. The ground was so far away from how far up I am, I had made my way, subconsciously, over to the windows and looked down as far as I could see, I could definitely see the pavement, and the cars, little spots of people walking down the walkways. I felt dizzy, I was never good with heights, well I could hike up a mountain but that just seemed different, I look around at all the things below trying to calm my quickly accelerating breathing.

.... It's so quiet, what happened to all the noise? I can't hear the cars rushing by anymore "..ce.." what was that? Is someone talking? "..ace..." to me? "Ace" no, I like my quiet, peaceful darkened space "...Ace!!" nope! Im not listening, but light starts to brighten up the room before I am blinded by it "ACE!" I open my eyes to see "Lycaon? What's going on?" I ask... "Why am I on the floor?" I look at him and he seemed relieved "I don't know, I came back for my lunch break, as I forgot lunch and I saw you just laying here. Is everything alright?" he pulls me into his chest and I place my hands on his black suit jacket. I look to my surroundings and remember what happened "... I fainted" I state quietly "what? Why?" Ly smoothed down my hair "I had remembered I wasn't good with heights and well, I subconsciously walked over to the window taking in the view... I guess I got over whelmed" I laugh slightly and I felt his arms trap me in a vice grip, like a snake.

His breathing was normal but his heartbeat a slightly fast pace "are you okay?" I ask nuzzling my way into the junction of his neck and shoulder "yes, you just scared me, I really like you Ace. I may not know you very well but you give off this vibe, one that I can be relaxed and comfortable with" he told me then left me go, helping me up. He walks off to the kitchen and grabs some lunch "I'll see you later okay? No more scaring people" he sternly spoke before kissing my cheek and heading out, just as Hunter waltzed in with KFC, noice. He looks at his brother weirdly before shrugging and closing the door behind him "what's up with him?" the blue, purple and black haired senior questioned placing the food onto the living room table "aaah, well, he came home to find me fainted on the ground, I guess it freaked him out" I informed him walking up behind him.

He spun on his feet and grabbed me by my shoulders "fainted?! Are you okay?!" the rushed words barely register before he is checking me over, patting me down, checking my head "I'm completely fine" I tell him but his fussing doesn't stop "enough, stop it" I growl pushing away his hands and sitting down, reaching for the food. Hunter huffs in annoyance and decides to sit beside me to eat as well, although he kept glancing at me every now and then. He got me some nuggies and a large fries with extra seasoning, I always get extra salt just so I can keep my saltyness levels high, I mean who would I be if i wasn't as salty as I am right now, although as I was lost in my thoughts Hunter tried to STEAL one of MY NUGGIES! When I saw his hand reach for one, I lash out and slap his hand, as hard as I can, downwards to the couch.

Hunter stared at his hand on the couch, before looking at me then back, we sat in silence. A deafening. Silence. Then before I knew it, his other hand came around and snatched a nugget, my eyes widened when he took a bite and following my instincts, I jumped up and tackle Hunter to the cushions, trying to take the rest of the nuggie before he ate it. It was mine, no one else'. MINE. I had a tight hold on his forearm and was tugging it towards myself, Hunter relaxed and went limp which made me fall backwards into the cushions with said male on top of me. I freeze when I notice the position we were now in, it seems he noticed as well since a smirk had adorned his face "Hunter" I say warningly but he just completely sat down on my stomach to hip area, oh hell nah "no! Let me go!" I squeak when he starts tickling me.

This went on for a few more minutes until the door opened, Hunter stops to look who entered "hey Jasper" he sounded out of breath "what are you doing?" Jasper questions walking closer to us, I turn my head and see the nuggie lying next to me, I gasp quietly and move swiftly to take it into my mouth, chewing then swallowing it "Ace... did you just-?" Hunter had a stare locked onto my face and I poke my tongue out at him, but... I did NOT expect this. Jasper had taken my appendage between his thumb and index finger, making my speech going to come out non-understandable "ha huck? Hwet we wo" I try to talk and as expected, it came out not understandable. But both brothers found it absolutely hilarious, Jasper letting go of my tongue while falling onto the floor laughing, Hunter resting his head on my chest while his body shakes and trembles with his own. I huff in annoyance before trying to push Hunter off of me, to my luck he moves onto the ground next to his equally teary brother, I get up only to stomp my way upstairs, not before taking the food though, and locked myself in the bedroom that I have officially claimed for my stay here.

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