▪️22 - Reunite▪️

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[Petir's POV]

I was silently walking my way home, my lips curved a small smile while my hands were shoved inside my pockets.

When I reached home, I suddenly thought about my little brother. Immediately, I entered the house and ran upstairs, hoping that he's home by now.

As I stopped infront of my little brother's room, I noticed the door was slightly open. Carefully, I slid the door widely a bit, taking a peek inside my little brother's room to check on him.

I felt my heart dropped when I saw him...

...crying silently...

...while hugging the teddy bear I bought for him in the past...

My chest tightened when I heard his heartbreaking sobs...

I stared at him gloomily, my vision started to get blurred because of the tears filling up from my eyes.

"I wish that one day, the big brother I knew will return..." I heard my little brother whispered softly between his sobs.

I noticed him hugging the teddy bear tighter as he buried his face behind it.

"Please come back, big brother Petir..."

[End of POV]

Petir's breath hitched. Tears started streaming down his face when he heard those last words that his little leaf elemental brother had said.

'I can't bear seeing him like this anymore...' He thought as he immediately opened the door wide and ran towards his little brother, kneeling down and crashed him into a warm hug.

The leaf element got startled a bit when he felt a pair of arms wrapped around him. He sniffled, both of his hands slowly letting go of the bear and held his older brother's big hands.

"Big brother Petir...?" Daun called. "Is that you...?" He asked, a few hiccups escaped from his mouth.

"Yes..." The lightning element answered softly. "It's me, Daun. It's me...and, I'm sorry..." He said, tears continued to trickle down his face.

The leaf element turned his little body around and hugged his big brother tightly, feeling back and missing his warm, gentle hugs he haven't felt for a long time. His lips formed a sad smile as he embraced his big brother.

"I missed you, big brother..." He genuinely said, burying his face in his older brother's chest.

"I'm sorry if I broke the promises you've made..." Petir mumbled, embracing his little brother more. "I'm sorry if I haven't been a good brother to you..."

Daun frowned slightly and slowly broke the hug. He faced his big brother, whose face was now messed up from crying. He curved a small smile as his little thumb wiped the tears away from his big brother's eyes.

"I don't need promises anymore..." The leaf element smiled sadly. "Because all I need, is your presence, your time and your love for me as a brother." He stated, raising up his two index fingers and made its way to his big brother's tip of his lips, expanding it a bit wide for his big brother to form a smile on his face.

Petir felt another round of tears coming up as he looked down at his little brother. He bit his lower lip, trying to hold back his tears as he hugged his little brother once more, in which his younger brother gladly returned the hug back. A sad, but warm smile curved from his lips as he let his tears fall from his eyes. And no, they weren't tears of grief. They were tears of joy.

"I love you, my little brother..." He softly said, gently stroking his leaf elemental little brother's soft hair.

Daun smiled sadly.

"Daun loves you too, big brother Petir..."


Welp, few more chapters to go! Ayeeeeee!! >w<

And fudge my dry coughs-

Yes, I have dry coughs but THAT DOES NOT STOP MEH FROM DOING WHAT I LOVE! >:3

Btw, I was reading all of your comments and yeah...

I was smiling and sometimes, wheezing like crazy everytime...

I may not reply to any of it because of the continuous popping of notifs...

But, I do read them...uwu 💞

And yeah, expect something good next chappy...>wO 💞

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