one: job

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Amara (ontheside)

"You sure you wanna do this?" Jay asked.

I scoffed. "Have I ever backed down from a job? No, I got to get this money. This my lifestyle. "

"Yo' ass always think you hard everytime we do a job. One day it's gone catch up yo you." He joked. I waved him off. "Getcho' big headed out my car."

I walked inside Club 47 with my head held high watching my surroundings. Club 47 was really on one tonight. All eyes was on me but I was looking for a specific person and that specific person only. I was on a mission tonight, that was the only thing I'm focused on.

Swaying my hips left to right as I walked to the bar. I sat down, pulling out my phone.

From Jay: Do you see em'?, 9:35p.m

"Can I get a Ciroc on ice." I tell the bartender, when she finally came my way. I text Jay back.

To Jay: Not yet, 9:41p.m.

I took a sip of my drink.

"Aye." I hear beside me. I looked up my other seeing some ugly lightskin with jacked up teeth. "Eww, bye." I say to him.

He sucked his teeth walking away. "Stuck up bitch." He lucky I'm doing business right now. "You didn't have to do ole boy like that." I looked in my other direction. Bingo. Just who I was waiting on. I shrugged.

"I'm Kenny. What's your name beautiful?"


"Well Apryl, do you gotta man?" He questioned.

"Do I look like the type to be in a relationship? I'm just looking for fun." I say, following along with him. He looked me over, biting his lip. I rolled my eyes slightly. Thirsty ass.


My trigger finger was itching, making me rub my hand up-and-down against my leg.

"You okay, Apryl?" Kenny asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. My hand was just itching." I laughed to myself. He just don't know he's about to die.

Twenty minutes later we were pulling up to a nice looking house. "This yours?" I asked. He nodded. "I bet yeen' seen nothing like this before?" I rolled my eyes, giving him a fake smile. How dumb can you be bringing a complete stranger to your house.

I followed him in the house. He guided me into the kitchen. "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Down the hallway, second door on the right." I nodded following the directions. When I get in the bathroom, I text Jay.

To Jay: Wya?, 11:30 p.m.

From Jay: I'm coming."

I put my phone back up, grabbing my .45 out my purse. Exiting the bathroom, I slowly walk back to the kitchen. "Ohhh, Kenneth..." I said, in a sing-songy voice.

"The fuck? How you know my na--" He turned around. The gun was pointed to his. A few seconds later, I heard the door bust open. Right on time.

"Bitch, you set me up?" Kenny yelled to my face.

I fake pouted. "Are you mad? I'm sorry."Jay walked into the kitchen.

"A, you straight?" Jay asked me.

"Duh. Go to back and see you if can find anything." He nodded. I turned my attentiom back to Kenny. "Now, I gotta question." I ran my hand down his face. He pushed it away.

"Don't fucking touch me!"

"Owee, fiesty. Now, on to business. Do you remember about a week ago, when you shot somebody?" I saw him reaching for something. Wrong answer. Two bullets went in his skull.

I smirked, kissing my gun. I love this job.


First official chapter. Ikinda didn't likeitbutwhatever, we'llseehowitgo.


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