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Andy POV 

“How you motherfuckers doin’ tonight?” The crowd cheers in response as I run out on stage. I flash them my signature smile. “This one’s called Beautiful Remains!” once again the crowd goes wild as the guys start the intro to the song,

“We gather here to sing for you, the words you've written

Each bloodshot beauty still rings true, from violent crashes

Gently rest your weary head

What you live for now is dead



A soul surrender

This love will set you free from thoughts of yesterday

Now death has come to claim your Beautiful Remains

I'll strike the match to set you off, and watch you glisten

Our love's in time a single loss, you never listen

Gently rest your weary head

What you live for now is dead



A soul surrender

This love will set you free from thoughts of yesterday

Now death has come to claim your Beautiful Remains

Here in this room is what we must do

What we must do, what we must

This love will set you free from thoughts of yesterday

Now death has come to claim your Beautiful Remains

This love will set you free from thoughts of yesterday

Now death has come to claim your Beautiful Remains”

If possible the crowd cheered even louder. I flashed my fangs at Jinxx.

Andy: let’s give them a show they’ll never forget!

Jinxx: You say that every time.

Andy: And I mean it too!

We spoke threw out telepathic link that the band shares and then started Wretched and Divine. We’re now a few songs in about half way through Fallen Angels when I see Ashley bite his lip. He’s unique as in the fact he can sense others Emotions. When he bites his lip that’s usually a bad thing. 

Ashley: Andy, in the back.

As I continue singing I make my way next to CC the raised platform the drums are on give me a better vantage point. I scan the back and sure enough there is an argument between two fans and a hater. 

Andy: After this song stop the show we have a hater problem to deal with.


“We are the in between, cast down as sons of war!” Blood and I sang along with Andy. This ight would have been perfect except for the hater who kept shouting rude and nasty things about the band and flipping them off every few minutes.

“Hey, you Emo Faggots why don’t you go cut yourselves!” The hater shouted holding his middle finger up in the air. Now I was pissed this guy couldn’t go mind his own business! I caught Ashley looking at the hater. “You can’t even scream you Gay-” I turned to Blood she had the same hateful glint in her eye. No one insults our band and get away with it. So I simply turned and punched the guy in the jaw.

“Why don’t you stop being an asshole and go do something useful with your life?” I shouted

“You’re seriously sticking up for those makeup wearing Freaks!”

“Hell yeah, they’re not the only ones in makeup dipshit.” Blood countered

“Fuck you!”

“No Fuck you! We don’t like Justin Bieber but you don’t see us flipping him off at his own concert!”

“You call this a concert? Screaming Isn’t music!”

“Neither is whining!” By now the show had stopped and everyone started clapping including BVB. Me and Blood Hi-fived.

“As you can see we’ve got a hater problem that needs to be dealt with,” Andy said “ I think we should treat him to a song called Perfect Weapon.” The crowd erupted into cheers. “As for the two ladies who stood up for us I’d like o talk with you after the show, as a thank you.” Andy continued. Me and Blood looked to each other and let out a fangirl squeal. The song started and whenever the screaming part came the whole place shouted to the hater.

"GO! And leave us alone! GO! And now you're on your own!" The hater, clearly at a loss ran out of the venue and everyone cheered.

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