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Nora POV
I appreciate Mrs. Noon like trying to get me adopted but seriously I’m like soooooo not going home with these Emo freaks. Oh well I can still ruin Eva’s chance at being adopted. Cause like if I don’t get adopted she can’t get adopted either. I walk in the room and see some of them roll their eyes the tall one stands up OMG he’s like 7 feet tall but… He is kinda cute…
“I’m Andy, that’s Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, and CC.” he points to each guy. My gaze hold Ashley’s,
“Isn’t Ashley a girls name?”
“Not in Ireland it can be both.” He says
“But this is America.” He just rolled his eyes and scoffed. The cute one, Andy glared a him.
“So, what’s your taste in music?” I think his name was Jinxx asked.
“OMG I like love Justin Bieber!” Andy cringed. Now I can work my magic “Well if you like think that’s bad you wouldn’t believe the stuff Eva listens to! It’s like this Evil satanic rock band! I thing it’s BVD or something like that.”
“BVB?” the one who I think is CC supplied.
“Yeah! That’s it!” Ashley snorted and then tried to cover it as a cough when Andy glared at him. It was weird like they know what each other is thinking.
“What?” I ask curious to know what I did wrong.
“We are BVB” The one who I think is Jake says. My mouth hangs open in shock. That did not go as planned.
“Well, she’s Bisexual you know she’ll start hitting on your girlfriends!” I try to change the subject.
“We don’t have girlfriends.” Jinxx but in.
“Oh so you’re single…” I wink at Andy.
“Excuse me? Oh hell no! first of your what 12?-“
“13…”I cut off Andy
“Oh big difference I’m 23! That 10 years older than you, second you’re not my type, not by a long shot!” Andy scolds
“I think were done here.” Ashley says and I just stand up and walk out I smirk and trip Eva as she walks in.
Nora walks out with a huge smirk on her face. Oh great what did she do now? I open the door an next thing you know I’m falling flat on my face. Just before I hit the ground I’m caught by two pairs of strong arms. God am I that fat I’ve got to eat less! I look u to see Jake and CC are the ones who saved me. I hear Nora’s cackling laughter fade as the door shuts.
“Bitch…” I mumble under my breath all of them chuckle warm and welcoming laughs. Not cold and cruel like I’m used to, although I’m not complaining. Apparently they either have really good hearing or I just suck that bad at whispering. I turn to CC and Jake and mutter thanks
“No problem.” Said Jake
“Anytime.” CC ruffled my hair. I flipped and rushed to a mirror hanging on the wall and fixed my hair. “Jeez Ash she’s as bad as you!”CC reaches toward Ashes hair and ruffles it like mine. Ash jumps up terrified and is right next to me fixing it. I look over at his reflecton were those cat ears! Na it’s just my imagination. Ash and I both glare at him.
“Don’t. Mess. With. My. Hair!” we say at the same time while holding our hands up around our head as protection. CC’s eyes widen as if he just realized something he turns to Ash,
“Sorry man…. Oh and sorry Eva.”
“That’s fine CC…” I smirk with any evil glint in my eye I turned to Ash He is apparently thinking the same thing we both advance on the drummer.
“Wait guys what are you- ahhh!” Ash and I pounce on him we knock him from his chair and start to redo his hair. Ash ruffles and knots his hair on one side while I braid his hair into little braids. Then braid those into each other to make bigger braids and continue this process until CC has one huge braid of braids on the other side of his head. All he while CC is begging for help and the others are just laughing hysterically at him. Once we step away CC sits there and pouts.
“Wait it’s not done!” I grab a Hello Kitty bow out of my pocket that I forgot to takeout one day and put it on top of CC’s head.
“HELLO KITTY!” Ash squeals. And every one laughs including CC. Andy pulls out His phone and takes a picture while CC fake pouts.
“Whats your twitter?” Andy asks me.
“I don’t have one why?” Andy plays with his phone before saying,
“Now you do its @EvaBVB go look at your account to know why.” I pull out my phone.
“BATMAN!” Andy fanboys at my cover while I load up the twitter app  and log into to my new account and find that all of BVB is following me I also got a tweet from Andy Because I was mentioned in it.
Never mess with @AshleyPurdyBVB or @EvaBVB and their hair. Poor @CCBVB. LOL!
The pic of CC was attached. I busted out laughing and Hi-Fived Ash.
“Well I don’t need to know anymore. I think we can all agree who were gonna adopt.” Andy says Mt heart plummets after what they saw in the meeting hall and my stunt with CC they’re never going to adopt me.
“I’ll just go leave then…” I mumble tears pricking the corner of my eyes. Andy looks at me confused then turned to Ash who bit his lip and looked to Andy. They looked as if they were having a conversation only they could understand. Suddenly Andy was kneeling down in front of me and giving me a hug. I couldn’t help but let a tear slip down my face as I hugged him back. Andy pulls away and wipes the tear from my face
“I’m sorry, please don’t cry. I meant you, we want to adopt you.” He comforted. I took a deep breath.
“No, I’m sorry Andy I don’t normally cry. I’m used to rejection but when I thought it came from you, my idols. I-I broke down.” He hugged me again and this time everyone else joined in.
“It’s ok though now you’re not getting rejected. We want to adopt you.” I tensed.
“Ok.. Just give me a minute.” They nodded and I walked out of the room. As soon as the door shut I let out my inner fangirl. “OH MY JINXX!!!!!!!!” I turned around and walked back into the room and Jinxx had a huge smile on his face, the others looked kind of scared. “Sorry had to let out my inner fangirl I’m good now.”
“That’s why you look so familiar! You’re the fan from last night who refers to me as God!” Jinxx blurts out.
“Oh great like we need his ego inflated anymore.” Ashley grumbles. Jinxx sticks his tongue out at him.
“You’re just jealous because Oh my Ashley doesn’t have the same ring to it!” Jinxx and I burst out laughing at the reference to Blood and I’s conversation from last night.
“Now comes the hard part. We all want you to treat us like brothers but one of us has to sign the papers as your Legal Guardian. So which one of us do you want to be your ‘dad’?”
“Well Andy your ten years older than me so no offence but that would be a little awkward because people would assume you had a kid when you were ten and I couldn’t do that to you.” Andy just shrugged.
“What about me?” that was Jinxx. I almost said yes but then I got an idea so I shook my head.
“Me?” Asked CC. Again I shook my head.
“Do you want me?” Jake asked. I shook my head once again.
“Ding Dang Who’s Your Boss! She wants me as her father!” Ashley cheered pumping his fist in the air.
“Hate to burst your bubble Ash but I don’t want you as my Dad either. I don’t want any of you to be my dad.” They all looked hurt and confused so I decided to explain. “The reason I don’t want any of you to be my DAD is because I want a… MAMA JINXX!” All their faces lit up and CC, Jake, Andy, and Ash laughed while Jinxx face palmed and chuckled.
“Eva why don’t you go get your things I’m gonna go sign the papers.” Jinxx said I nodded and rushed out of the room. I heard the band chuckle behind me.
Jinxx POV
I walked up to the front desk the others trailing behind. Mrs. Noon was sitting their typing away on the computer.
“Excuse me but we figured out who we’re going to adopt. I’m signing as Legal Guardian.” Mrs. Noon looked up from what she was working on.
“Oh ok who is it you decided on?” she asked and then took a sip of her coffee
“Eva.” She choked on her coffee.
“A-a-are you sure you want her? She’s very rebellious-” I cut her off annoyed why does everyone hate her! She’s so sweet and I can’t wait to have her as my sister/daughter thing…..I’m just gonna call her a sister.
“She’ll fit right in. can I pleas have the papers?” She caught on quickly.
“Yes of course Sir.” She digs out the forms and I fill out the packet swiftly about ¾ of the way through the packet an uneasy buzz came through the link.
CC: What is it Ash?
Ashley: I think….
Jake: Well?
Ashley: Shit!
Andy: What?
Ashley: It’s Eva!
Jinxx: What’s wrong?
Ashley: I can’t get a clear emotion…theirs to many…. But I can pick out a few… they’re all bad.
“Hey Guys while I finish this why don’t you go see if Eva needs help packing?” I ask. They all nod and walk a little too quickly toward Eva’s room.
Ashley POV
“A-a-are you sure you want her? She’s very rebellious-” Mrs. Noon was rambling so I just tuned it out. Rebellious, yeah that little one is rebellious but now she’s gonna be our rebel. Hmm our little rebel I like it. All of a sudden I take a step back as a wave of raw emotions pushes its way into my head. I bite my lip a tell tail sign that something is wrong and block the group from the worst of the pain. If I’m lucky they will just feel uneasy. I clutch my head rubbing my temples wincing because of the raw intensity of sadness, pain, hate, and total devastation are most prominent. But I’m having trouble locating it.
CC: What is it Ash?
Ashley: I think….
Jake: Well?
Ashley: Shit!
Andy: What?
Ashley: It’s Eva!
Jinxx: What’s wrong?
Ashley: I can’t get a clear emotion…theirs to many…. But I can pick out a few… they’re all bad.
“Hey Guys while I finish this why don’t you go see if Eva needs help packing?” Jinxx asks. We all nod and speed walk toward Eva’s room I find her room by following where the emotion is strongest. By now I’m used to its strength and am barely effected by it. I pause at a V in the hall.
“Which way?” Andy asks worried. My ears twitch beneath my hair as I find which way the emotion came from seeing as it has gone numb but is turning to sadness. I turn to the right.
“This way common.” I we jog down the hall well all but Andy he is speed walking while as before he was just walking. Curse his gazelle legs. We reach a door that’s partly open and find Half of the room presumably Eva’s I destroyed her one BVB poster torn as if to cut off out heads while profanities and insults are written all over what little clothes she owned are now ripped beyond what you could where. Bracelets are spewed all over the place and cut in half with even more insults written on them one thing that stands out is the “GOODBYE EMO FAGGOT” painted bold and black above her bed. I turn around and find Eva huddled over an exact replica of my black and white Bass  Dean-Cadi-620x171  and Jinxx’s Ouija Board Guitar.  ae1ef8b25efa234ee4cc4bd5f28fc2   Well they would be exact except for the vandalism.
“Oh Shit…” I mumble as a solute comes into view at the door.

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