chapter 28

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Farha pov:

Both me and Lucas can't stop but staring at dad with shock. I mean, I can't believe, that dad told us to leave this house!

"Dad, what do you mean? I mean what do you mean by we both have to leave this house!

Did we do something to make you upset? We have no one to rely on except you. You both are our shelter, our dad. Where will we go? How can we leave you?" I couldn't stop my tears.

" Wait, dad, you are telling us to leave this house! And by the way, why are you throwing us out!" this time Lucas speak out.

"so that you can live on your own in your new house"

We both are literally shocked by his words.

"Dad, why? We are happy in here. We love to be with you, Martha and abbu. There's no need to buy or live in another house, what do you think Lucas?"

Before Lucas can say something, dad stopped him 'Lucas will not say anything in this. This is my and Zahid's decision. I want you to build your own house just the way you want dear.

When Emily left us I didn't have the courage and intention to leave this house. Do you know why? Because everything you are seeing here is decorated by my Emily, my life, my angel. She can leave me but I can never leave the things she left behind. This is Emily's home.

Any woman would want her own home, in which she can give her touch in every corner in her house, the house she can call her own. So I bought you a house, and it's your duty to make that building into a cozy, warming home.

I want you and Lucas to spent some time alone and we also want lots of grandchildren, a football team or cricket team, what say Zahid?"

I couldn't stop blushing at his words, so I look at another side that made them laugh. Lucas chuckled at my action and took my face into his chest so that I can hide my red face into Lucas's chest.

I was so embarrassed at that moment that I didn't have the audacity to look at their eyes.

Suddenly Lucas just freaked out "football team! What football team? You both have lost your mind. Dad, we have only married for one month, give us some break old man"

I looked at Dad and saw that he widen his eyes by hearing the word "old" " old man! Who's old? aah plzzzz, it's only you who is old. I mean you may look like 25, but always behave like an old man"

Again they start fighting like some small children, at the end abbu shout at them "ok enough Mason! let's come to the point. Look baccha, Mason is right. You both need to build your own home, your own space and that's why mason took that decision. Actually, there's another reason."

We both narrowed our eyes 'what abbu, is anything wrong?' "baccha do you remember that I was dealing with some land problem in our village? At first, I thought everything has been sorted out. But my cousin is claiming that land as it was his. So he filed a case against me."

I was surprised because our uncle was very good at nature so why was he doing this " abbu uncle was never like that! What happened to him, what made him do that? I mean he used to respect you so much." Abbu sigh "I think money and time really change people." I hold his hand to console him "So how will you handle it, did you appoint any lawyer?

" yes. Do you remember my college friend Jamal? He is a good lawyer so I asked him to help me and you remember his son Rehan" I nod "he is Fariha's classmate.

Anyway, so the point is I have to be there for some time." ' but for how long abbu?' "I don't know princess, it can be for some months. "

I just hope that everything will be fine" 'dont worry Allah is with us, nothing bad will happen to you."

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