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When everyone got into the study except Daniel.

Henry stood at a desk and just said.
"Ok, let's not be lazy, but everyone in the room is being blackmailed!" Henry shouted.
Everyone gasped.
"For some considerable time, all of you have been paying what you can afford and, in some cases, more than you can provide to someone who threatens to expose you, And none of you know who's blackmailing you, do you?" Henry ranted looking at everyone in the small room.

"Like you Ms.M as an inventor, you've been giving Illegal weapons to countries at war!" Henry said to the woman. (AN: Sorry had to choose a reason)
"No, it's a vicious lie!" Ms.G shouts standing up before sitting down embarrassed.
Bryan looks Sympathetically at her and says,
"Well, I am willing to believe you, I too am being blackmailed for something I didn't do."

Mrs.W: Me too.

Ms.G: And me.

Jon: Not me.

Henry looks at him and says surprised,
"You're not being blackmailed?"

"Oh, I'm being blackmailed, all right, But I did what I'm being blackmailed for." jon said, pouring himself a drink from the bar.

"What did you do?" Bryan said with interest.

"Well, to be perfectly frank, I now run a specialized hotel and a telephone service which provide gentlemen with the company of a young lady or man for a short while." Jon says, taking a drink of whiskey.

Bryan even more interested,
"Oh, yeah?" he pulls out a pen and notepad
"What's the phone number?" he said getting ready.

Jon rolls his eyes.

"Now should I tell everyone here what you did, Mr.F," Henry said, looking at the man in red.
"I didn't do anything; I'm only Paying the blackmail because I don't want a scandal." Bryan said, putting the notebook away.
"What were you accused of" Asked Mrs.W looking at the rich guy.

"Mr.F , you've been paying our friend the blackmailer
ever since your husband died under, shall we say,
mysterious circumstances." Henry said, looking at the man who was beginning to become impatient.

Jon starts laughing.
"Why is that funny?" Bryan asked

"I see. That's why he was lying on his back. In his coffin." Ms.G said, trying not to laugh.

"We had had a very humiliating public confrontation,
he was deranged . . . lunatic. He didn't actually seem to like me very much, he had
threatened to kill me in public, but I didn't kill him," bryan said, looking at everyone in the room.

Jon looks puzzled and looks at the guy.
"Why would he want to kill you in public?"

"I think he meant he threatened, in public, to kill him." Henry said to the man in makeup.
"Oh.And was that his final word on the matter? Jon said calmly
"Being killed is pretty final, wouldn't you say?" Bryan said As a matter of fact.
"And yet he was the one who died, not you, Mr.F, not you."
"What was he like?" Jon asked as he wasn't invited to the wedding.

"He was always a rather stupidly, optimistic man.
I mean, I'm afraid it came as a great shock to him when he died. But he was found dead at home. His head had been cut off and
so had his . . . you know . . ." Bryan trailed off, talking about his husband.

Jon and Mr.Jones then crossed their legs.
"I was out late at the movies," Bryan said in his defense.
"But he was your second husband. Your first husband also disappeared." Henry said blankly.

"But that was his job. He was an illusionist." Bryan said almost angry.
"But he never reappeared." Henry said suspiciously.

Bryan shrugged and said,
"He wasn't a good illusionist."
Mrs.W clears her throat and stands up from the couch.
"Well, I might as well tell everyone why im being blackmailed I won't have Henry out me," she says and then "I work for the mafia, and I'm a homosexual," she says shocking everyone.
"If that information gets to my boss, he'll kill me."
Ms.G sits there sad. She then speaks up.
"I used to be an arsonist," she says, and everyone stares in shock.
"That leaves Mr.Jones," Jon said, looking at the man in black.
"What's his secret?" Bryan asked Henry.

"What's his secret?" Bryan asked Henry

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