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Author's note: Hello! I had fun with this chapter lol I wrote it will listening to this song: Jayesslee - Officially Missing You :p Enjoy!


Chapter Three

White Clouds

Guardian Moon




A sneeze. Followed by a sigh.

Anna sighed for the umpteenth time as she turned on her side. She moved and struggled about, attempting to find a comfortable position in bed, but to no avail.

It's no use. I just can't sleep a wink.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked up at the bright moon glowing outside her window. As she stared at the moon, a scene she'd been trying to keep out of her head for hours, started to replay again.



His eyes bore into hers intently, but he doesn't say a word. She watches as his eyes narrow and seem to land on her lips. Anna's heart jumps as she watches his lowered gaze, but...she finds that the feeling she's experiencing right now—is not one she's ever felt.

As if compelled by a magnetic force or the magic of the moon, Felix and Anna begin to lean into each other. Anna closes her eyes and Felix watches her as a rough hand finds its way onto her cheek.

"Anna, I-... "


"ANNA, I- WHAT?! Ugh! What in the goddesses' name was he going to say that night?!"

Anna grumbled as she turns on her side again. After a few moments, she can't help bite her lip as she brought one of her hands to touch her cheek – the same spot Felix had previously touched.

What in the world is wrong with me?!

It had already been a couple of weeks since the night of annual ball at Garegg Mach, but try as she might, Anna could simply not erase the conversation between her and Felix from her mind. The way the moonlight shone on Felix's eyes as he danced with her, the way his strong, yet gentle touch felt when he guided her to the music—or the way he looked at her, moments before Sylvain's bitchass had interrupted them. They had been the memories that would come to plague her at all hours of the days, and most especially, when she lay to bed each night thereafter.

There had just been a myriad of questions that sprouted inside of her since that night of the ball. What would've happened if Sylvain hadn't interrupted? To anyone, why, it might've looked like Felix was going to kiss her-! But that was absurd! Honestly! Surely Felix wasn't the type to be interested those sorts of things—even less with her- but...


But what if he was? What if he did feel something? What if he had tried to kiss her? Would she have stopped him? Would she have kissed him? These were the intrusive thoughts that would find themselves interwoven in even the most mundane tasks of Anna's daily activities. And as irony would have it, she had hardly seen Felix since the night of the ball. For the past couple of weeks, he had been going back and forth between Garegg Mach and the Fraldarius territory, due to bandits stirring up trouble in local villages to the North.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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