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I gently take a tooth from your mouth, and insert it on your forehead. if blood drips from your mouth, if blood drips from your forehead, then blood drips from my heart.

but do you know why?

I take another tooth from your mouth, and you wince in pain. how strange, I should be the one in pain.

but do you know why?

well I will continue to take teeth from your mouth, yanking them from their cozy homes where they sit within your gums.

but do you know why?

every tooth I take is a broken promise. do you see

the blood dripping from my eyelashes? my tears mix themselves with the blood, my pain mixes itself with your teeth.

I hope you see and feel the pain I felt, now that you no longer have any of your teeth.

feel your forehead.

does it feel good? they are your teeth, after all.

do they feel like they belong on your forehead?

look what you did to me! only you could slip those words between your teeth as easily as you did, only you could tear me apart with your thoughts.

I was in pain because of you for so long. your lies didn't belong anywhere, your lies should have never been spoken out loud.

all I see is red -

blood, blood, blood and broken promises.

oh, but your smile used to be so beautiful.

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