The Morning After

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Wow I really need to get up to date with my stories.
I was not looking forward to going to work after the events of last night. I still was upset about Ian and Jacob's meeting with Evan. As if I would be engaged to Ian.

They had no right to jeopardize my job like that. I was there one day, I can't imagine what Evan must think of me now. I had to get there and clear things up.

I dressed in a classic, black skirt that was mid thigh along with a satin white blouse. I paired it with formal black flats and some small accents.

I decided to keep my hair down, brushing through it before grabbing my stuff and heading to work.

When I got inside I went straight to my office. I was going to be doing some research on what exactly happened and who spoke out against the LGBTQ community, deciding tomorrow I would take photos for protest.

After about an hour, I needed to stretch. My eyes had been staring at the white screen for so long that the letters started to blur together. I stood up and decided to walk around and make myself familiar to the building.

I found myself on the third floor, passing meeting rooms and cubicles, most of the employees typing away on their computers.

"Caitlin, what are you doing up here?" I turned and saw Evan. He wore nice black slacks and a light blue shirt. His hair was combed neatly and he had a smirk on his face.

"Thought I'd take a small break and familiarize myself with the building. I hope that's okay," I say nervously fumbling with my hands, was I not allowed breaks?

"Of course it is, come, I'll show you somewhere that's great for relaxing," he says as he puts his hand on the small of my back.

I was suspicious of his kindness and actions but let him lead the way, we ended up on the fourth floor and in a spacious room. On the wooden desk it said his name, this was his office. There was a large window showing a beautiful view of Seattle.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He asks as he stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks out. I nod in agreement, "Very," I tell him.

"It's even better at night, you're welcome to come in the office at anytime," he tells me.

"You don't need to give me that privilege, I'd feel like an intruder," I tell him warily.

"It's not bother at all. Take it as an apology for last night. If I had known you were engaged I would not have acted in such a way towards you," he says turning to me.

"I'm not engaged, my brother is very protective and Ian went along with it. I'd never be engaged to him," I tell him with a scoff. Evan chuckles at that.

"Well I feel better, but I still apologize for over stepping or making you feel uncomfortable, I was a little tipsy," he says stepping towards me. I give him a polite smile and partially sit on his desk.

"It's okay. I just don't know if that would be a good idea, mingling with my boss, and you you're employee," I tell him. He nods and looks at me for a second, I could see it in his eyes. A type of want. He moves so he's now in front of me. My breath catches in my throat, I can smell his cologne.

"I'll only do want you want me too," he says trailing his hand on my leg, sending chills throughout my body. Before I realize it, one of his hands on my neck and the other at the bottom of my skirt, and his lips on mine.

He pulls away after a moment, looking at me. "You didn't kiss back, should I have not?" He asks confused.

"I just don't think it's appropriate. I wouldn't want any rumors to go around and harm your reputation," I tell him hoping he wasn't offended. He gives a small smile and nods.

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