9th period

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As the end of 8th period struck, I actually got a better view of him, like his hair was like dark brown with a few blonde streaks at the tips, and his eyes were chocolate brown, he wore and flannel with black jeans and combat boots, well I usually call boy combat boots, boy boots..he dresses very cute . Calum walked up next to me on my way out and said "so should I call you cat or Cathy?" With a grin, "either one that you like" I said. Then Sophie (aka popular) slid in between the two of us, and said "ohh new boy huh?" She looked at me and started to laugh. Then she said something that made me want to kick her ass. She said "don't hang with the wrong crowd" I flinched my hand, but then I put it down, I think Calum might have seen me do it haha. Calum said "I'm not in the wrong crowd" and then her nudged her to run along. "Oh my god" I thought "I cannot believe you just did that" I said to him. Calum said "she's not perfect, I know I can read your mind" he said and stuck his fingers on my head. I started to laugh, and so did he and let me tell you he has the cutest laugh. "I saw you flinch your hand too by the way" he said and then he looked over and started to giggle. I couldn't help but nudge him
Calums pov
Damn this girl is beautiful, she has such an adorable laugh.. And ughhh I just want to ask her out!
(Not calums pov anymore)
After calum and I finished laughing, he said "Can I get your number?" I said yeah and we exchanged phones and he gave mine back and it said " calum hood🙇💕 " I could not believe he did those emojis. I should have put emojis in his phone, shit! We stood there for a few seconds, and then he just started walking away.. I got a bit confused, but then he texted me saying "text me tonight, I'll tell you what we're doing ;)"
I was in shock, he looked back and winked, I made a huge O in my mouth. Did he want to have sex ? Hang out ? What??! Well hopefully it isn't sex... My gang saw it all, and were questioning me, Sean told me that calum was in his 3rd and 1st period. Eliza said that she has him 7th and 4th period. Jake and Britney didn't have him in any. I wish I had more classes with calum, cause damn he is such a catch. At least I have him in a class, as far as I know. He came into school late so I may have him in a few classes on Monday..hopefully I do. Tomorrow is Saturday, thank the lord. I told the gang about calum, but I didn't tell him about him texting me about "tonight" hopefully "tonight" doesn't turn into a disaster. Like what are we going to do tonight? Okay srsly this guy didn't even START at the friends zone..he skipped like 5 zones! He is already on the flirt zone.. This calum dude, is falling for me, and I might just be head over heels for him. I think I might actually be in like with this dude. Usually I fan girl over boy bands and call them my husband and stuff but this guy....total cutie
How do you like it so far? I will probably be doing at least 2 chapters a day or something. Lol VOTE & COMMENT pls thanks! Luv you all💕


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