Chapter 12

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Charlie's Pov:

The next few days I skipped school. I didn't have the energy to pretend. I was tired of keeping a fake smile. I lied in bed watching the fan spin 'round and 'round and my thoughts got the better of me. 

Where did I go so wrong that I always fall for people that hurt me? It can't just be them. It has to be me. What is it I'm missing that I always find myself in the worst relationships?

I just want to be happy. 

I couldn't hold the tears back any longer. They came out like a break in a dam holding back a river. 


After my meltdown, I heard a knock on the door. I hesitantly crawled out of my bed that I had been in for days and answered it.

"Hello?" I croaked 

"Hey girl!" Nala cheered. I gave her a weak smile as she looked me up and down. "Oh Charlie, what has happened to you?" 

I mean, a shower was long past due and I was wearing the same sweatshirt and sweat pants for a while. My hair was in a greasy bun and my skin was breaking out because I hadn't washed it, but- well I see what she means. 

"Nice to see you too," I replied sarcastically. Nala came inside and shut the door without me saying anything. 

"Let's do something tonight. It's Friday, you need to get out." She smiled excitedly. Was it Friday already?


"No buts. You are going to take a shower, we are going to put on something cute and do our makeup, and then have a night out."

I didn't like to go out often but I had been cooped up in my room for far too long.



2 hours later and it was 7 o'clock. Nala and I looked bomb in our outfits and we were sitting down at a nice restaurant.

"Aren't you glad I made you come?" Nala smirked.

"Yeah," I replied. I could see she was satisfied with my answer.  

It was a fun night of eating, drinking, and laughter. I didn't even have to worry about ordering or anything. Nala knew me too well and did it for me. I'm pretty sure the waiter thought we were a lesbian couple and I didn't mind

"See Charlie, you don't need no man. You have me!" She giggled. 

"You are absolutely right, Nala!" 

"Cheers to no men!" We clinked our glasses against together forgetting that Nala has a boyfriend and turned the bottoms up. 

We were walking through the restaurant trying to find the exit. 

"Hold on, I gotta pee," Nala informs me. I followed her to the restroom. It's girl code that you go together. I waited for a few minutes as she went to the bathroom and then we walked out together. As we walk past the bar in the restaurant I see a familiar face.

"You see that Nala?" I pointed to a person sitting on a stool. Part of their face was covered by the bartender standing in front of them.

"Yeah, who is that?" We moved forward to get a better look at them when I realize who it was.

"Cameron," I whisper. "And he is with somebody." Next to him sat a skinny girl with blonde hair. She definitely wasn't the same girl he was getting cozy with a couple of weeks ago at school.

"Cameron?" Nala said not so quietly. Before I could process what was happening, Nal stormed toward him, dragging me behind her.

"No, Nala it's fine," I hissed

"No, it's not." She stopped in front of a shocked Cameron. He sat up out of the stool. 

"Charlie, I-" Before he could continue, Nala pushes him back onto the stool. 

"Charlie I-" She mocks. "No, you listen here, you have hurt my best friend and I'm not okay with it. You worthless, brainless, egotistical, piece of shit, you don't deserve her! You never have, you never will. Screw you and all your hoes," Nala gestures toward the blonde girl sitting next to him, looking just as shocked as Cameron. "She is worth so much more than you will ever understand because you are so self-centered. You have the audacity to pretend like you don't know what you did wrong and then here you are hooking up with yet another girl. Does your Mama know what you do? Because surely she would be disappointed in the kind of boy you are."

I could tell that the last remark hurt Cameron a lot. Nala took my arm again and dragged me straight out of the restaurant before Cameron could make up an excuse. 


I was still in shock as I lied in bed trying to fall asleep. What an amazing friend I have. Nala was so good to me. And what a terrible decision I made to ever trust Cameron Jones.

But if it was such a terrible decision then how come I don't regret it?

Hello beautiful people!! Sorry this chapter is shorter. Please vote and I'd love to hear your feedback. 💕Don't be afraid to correct a spelling mistake so I can fix it! I try to keep it as grammatically correct as possible but sometimes I slip up. 

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