Chapter 1: Meeting Lola

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Our story begins with me, Vixen. I won't try to take up too much time with my life before I started my journey, but let's just say I'm not the most popular gal in Aspertia. Almost everyone liked Cory more, and he knew it. I just sat in the shadows and watched while he bathed in the spotlight. I was perfectly fine on my own, I actually prefer it since the alternative is not that great. The alternative is being told I'd be worth nothing, and should just stay out of the way. I am quite soft spoken since I am, well small, but I was show them. I would show them all just how worthless I am! I wanted my own pokemon so that I could start a journey and show everyone just what this small fox was capable of!

On my tenth birthday, after a small, but wonderful celebration with my mom, I packed my bag. Taking my mothers advice, I packed light. I put in a potion, two changes of clothes, and a container filled with some of my birthday cake. I was all set to go and almost left, but stopped short at my desk. I stared at the top drawer with a thoughtful silence before I opened it, pulling out an old, dusty pokeball. I smiled as I cleaned it up, allowing it's beautiful colors to shine. 

Most standard pokeballs were red with a white bottom. But this one was special. The top of the pokeball was a deep, royal purple while the bottom of it bathed in silver, the two halves separated by a sapphire line and a ruby button. My mom gave this to me on my third birthday. She said that when she was a trainer, she had gotten this pokeball for her dearest friend, her beloved Dunsparce. Arrow was the first pokemon my mother caught, and was her best. They took on many challenges and enjoyed every one, even if they didn't always win. They loved each other as much as two best friends could, which made it both painful and satisfying when, just a year after my birth, Arrow passed away from old age. Having lived a full life and knowing her trainer would always love her and always be safe, Arrow decided it was her time to go.

When Mom gave me the pokeball, she told me that even though Arrow was a Dunsparce, a pokemon many people do not like or care about, she was strong in her own way. She might not have been able to fly like a Dragonite, nor burrow like an Excadrill, but her determination and willpower made her a force to be reckoned with, and this custom pokeball was Mom's way of showing she believed in her friend. And though I am small and weak now, she believes in me too.

So I now inherit the will of a dead Dunsparce, and I am freaking proud of it. I smiled and packed away the special pokeball, leaving for the gym. Cheran was good friends with Professor Juniper's Assistant, so I suggested we all meet at the gym so that he could see his friend. Being the main educator AND leader of the School/Gym meant Cheran couldn't get out much. Poor guy.

Fueled by the excitement of my journey, I sprinted towards the gym, a grin plastered onto my face. Finally, after years of ridicule, I'd be free to make my OWN decisions, free to decide who I would be and where I would go on my own. I got closer to the gym and saw Cheran and a woman in the front. My joy was about ready to burst forth from me at seeing them, but as I got closer, I noticed they looked sad. Why were they sad?

And just like that, all my hopes and dreams come crashing down with just a few words.

"I'm sorry, but they were all taken."

Cheran had put his hand on my shoulder while Bianca, his friend, looked absolutely miserable for not bringing more pokemon. I wanted to cry myself, and couldn't help it when I leaned into Cheran, clinging to the gym leaders uniform and quietly sobbing. It would be a whole year before more starters would be given to Juniper for distribution.

After releasing all of my emotions on the Aspertia Gym Leader, I let go and slowly stepped back to calm myself while the two of them looked at me with regret oozing out of them.

"Look at it this way, Vixen, one of the pokemon was taken by Cory. That means he won't be around to bother you anymore. If you want, you can help me teach at the gym and take care of the pokemon until next year." Cheran suggested, trying to cheer me up. He was always nice like that, trying to keep me in high spirits while Cory put me down.

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