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call me ~ billy ;)


I sat down on my bed and stared at the note. I kept looking at the phone, wondering if I should call.

I laid back on my red satin sheets, wearing nothing but a skimpy silk pajama set.

I kept thinking about him. How he looked at me, how his eyes moved up my body, how his hands...

I snapped out of it and sat back up again, but he still didn't leave my mind. It was as if I heard an annoying song and couldn't get it out of my head. The only way to get it out of your head is to listen to the song...

So the only way I'd stop thinking about him, is if I called him.

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. About thirty seconds later, the phone was close to automatically hanging up, so I gave up and hung it up myself.

Why on earth would you think a stranger would call a random number back?

I sighed and got out of my bed, and searched for my remote. As I was looking, I heard my ringtone play from my bed. I looked at the mini screen on the flip phone, and saw Billy's number.

I jumped with excitement, and quickly calmed down. I sat back down on the bed and answered the call.

"Hello, Billy." I said, seductively.

"Hey, you're Mila from the club.. right?" He asks.

I bit my lip due to the sound of his voice. His deep, and slightly raspy voice filled my ears. I didn't notice that I wasn't answering.

"Are you?" He asked again.

"Oh shit, yeah- yeah I am." I mentally facepalmed. Who knows what he thought I was doing.

"Well, you called?" He says. I couldn't tell his mood from that. Was he annoyed? Was he intrigued? Did he just not know what to say?

"Yeah, um..."

Shit... think of something to say... quick!

"Hey.. do you want to come over?" I asked. My fingers were fidgeting. What do I say if he says no... how am I supposed to-

"Totally. Address?" He says. My eyes widened. I gave him my address with no hesitation. It followed with a little "see you there", and the call was over.

I laid back on my bed, and pinched myself for making that call unnecessarily awkward. I jumped up and looked at what I was wearing. It wasn't that bad, you wouldn't be able to tell that it's pajamas, it honestly looks like something I'd wear to the club.

I quickly removed my panties and put the shorts back on... to make things easier if he- never mind.

I plopped back down on my bed, turned the t.v on, and waited for his arrival.

An hour passed, I was asleep. I shot up out of bed as soon as I heard the doorbell ring. I slid on my fluffy sandals and ran to the door.

I opened the door, and in front of me stood a tall, gorgeous man smoking a cigarette. One hand in his back pocket, his hair hanging to his ears, one side tucked behind his hair.

He flashed a smile, making me blush, but it faded into my brown skin, which appeared darker due to shadows.

"Follow me." I said confidently. He tossed the cigarette and stepped on it, closed the door behind him and did as I said. I sashayed my way into my room, knowing he was looking below my hips.

I sat on my bed, and waited for him to close the door.

"You smoke?" He asked. "Yeah I smoke, not cigarettes though." I answered. I pulled out two pre-rolled blunts, and handed him one.

"It looks like a cigarette, but it's weed instead of those cancerous chemicals." I gave him a smug look, and he playfully rolled his eyes. I handed him one, he accepted and sat next to me.

"So why'd you call me over?" He asks, taking a long drag of the blunt. I shrugged, and smiled to myself.

After some meaningless conversations, we were still sitting on the bed. My back on the headboard, while he sat on the edge of the bed.

I didn't come up with an answer, I didn't know what to say, so I decided I'd show him.

I got up and walked to him, I pushed him back on the bed, and slowly crawled on top of him. Then I kissed him. He kissed back with no hesitation.

I felt his arm move from his pocket. I knew what he was trying to do, he wasn't the first.

I suddenly felt a knife to my throat, and I smirked at him.

"Babyboy... that's not how it goes..."


short chapter.. my bad 🦑

 my bad 🦑

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